Chapter 43: Things Aren't Always What They Seem

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There was nothing notable about the silence between the two of you while you stood in the room, staring at everything but each other. Your fingers would move ever so slightly every now and then, and Feitan would regulate his breathing, but besides that, you could hear nothing

You could hear footsteps echoing in the hallway, despite whoever was trying their hardest to conceal the noise, you could hear it effortlessly. You didn't even turn to see who would walk through the door, but you knew he wasn't associated with your father by the way Feitan stood motionless; this person was no threat.

"Well, at least you two made this job easier for me." A man's voice cut through the silence in the room like a knife through butter.

He took a few steps around Bone, nodding at the dead man on the floor. He was careful not to step on any blood. The man made his way to you, and you met his gaze.

"Oh, I recognize her...she's the woman from that picture of yours." The man stood in front of you, inspecting every inch of you. "But she looks different. This one doesn't look very happy, or as normal as the girl in the picture."

"Spare me your observations." You growled, staring straight into him. He smirked back at you, placing his thumb lightly on the hilt of his sword.

You wore a black coat over your clothes, it was form-fitting at the arms but loosened up past your chest. It was only when you turned to face Feitan that your secret was revealed, your protruding abdomen.

You hated this part of you. It didn't feel real, it didn't feel natural. Over the last few months, you had grown larger, and you tried what you could to conceal it from strangers. You didn't feel blissfully maternal, and you hated feeling this way. Everything that had happened in your life recently made you bitter, almost resentful towards your situation. You didn't know what you were going to do. Things were different when you had your apartment, your cozy life with a supportive friend, and a plan. Now you had nothing. You carried your possessions around in your backpack, your life was in shambles. You had no plan, nowhere to go, and no support.

You often wondered what life you could give this child. You were often racked with the guilt of keeping it, you knew deep inside you shouldn't have. I should've been more careful back then. I didn't know what I was thinking. Perhaps the person you were before would've been a decent mother, but now you didn't know if you could even do it. It's too late for all that now.

Nobunaga's eyes widened and his head scrambled as he worked to put 2 and 2 together.

"See you later." You directed your words at Feitan, and you turned around to walk out the door.

He didn't even take half a second to think about it, he ran behind you. He trailed behind, wondering when you would turn around to face him. Say something, anything, please. Yell at me, I don't care. Just say something

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