*Bonus Mini Chapter*

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I had inserted this mini-chapter of a deleted scene I had from a previous chapter to celebrate reaching 4k hits on AO3, and I noticed that while I don't keep up so much on here, I hit 1k on Wattpad and that is something to celebrate too! I don't want my readers here to miss out on anything so here it is.

I had inserted this mini-chapter of a deleted scene I had from a previous chapter to celebrate reaching 4k hits on AO3, and I noticed that while I don't keep up so much on here, I hit 1k on Wattpad and that is something to celebrate too! I don't w...

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 art credit: @asg_asa on Twitter

After a grueling and lengthy week of processing paperwork at the lab, the only thing you could look forward to this weekend was devouring a pint of ice cream and other junk food items.

You took a detour home from work to the grocery store. You were so exhausted, you didn't even take the time to look at your phone as it vibrated in your pocket. "It's probably Feitan. I'll answer when I get home." Your feet ached from standing over the copy machine all day but you pushed yourself just enough to get you through the aisles of the store.

As you made your way to the frozen food section you sighed as you noticed the selection had been rearranged. Scanning the aisle for your favorite flavor of the desert, you noticed someone walk behind you.

You were so focused on the task in front of you that you didn't notice that figure that loomed behind you didn't retreat. Your senses were dulled, you hadn't been sleeping well lately or even eating well. This often happened when you had too much on your mind, and an issue regarding a particular black-haired assassin was troubling you.

"How long does it take...you to pick something."

The soft and almost soothing tone was all too familiar by now. You swiftly twirled around to face the person behind you, and sure enough, Feitan stood inched away from you. His complexion was particularly pale today, even more than usual. His eyes were completely grey, probably due to the fact that he was wearing all black, a hoodie and black pants.

"They changed the arrangement of this section! It's hard to find what I'm looking for! Wait, what are you doing here?" you questioned him and as you did you couldn't help but smile.

"Phinks asked to get him beer." He replied, bringing his hand up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear, a habit he had formed recently since spending more time with you.

"Why you here?" He continued.

"Hard day. I needed something to help wash my feelings away. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?" You asked as you finally reached out for the item you had been searching for.

"Don't eat that too much...but if I have to choose...vanilla maybe"

You grabbed two pints, one for him and one for you and you walked forward as you glanced back to make sure he was still behind you.

"What do you like to eat when you feel like eating junk food?" you had realized that these were the small details about him that eluded you. They didn't matter, it's not like his favorite ice cream flavor would be a deal-breaker, yet your curiosity was well-meaning.

"Me?" Feitan wondered. He only hesitated to reply because he was taken aback at the fact that you even cared about something so trivial like that. No one had ever taken the time to really ask him things like this.

"I guess a lot of spicy food. Really spicy." He finally finished his sentence walking behind you as you began searching for more snacks.

"That makes a lot of sense. I'm not surprised." You let out a soft giggle, and as you did, one of the pints fell from your hands.

His reaction was lightning fast, you didn't even blink before he had rushed to grab it just before it hit the ground and now, he was standing in front of you with the ice cream container in his hand.

"You know I would have caught that if you hadn't"

"Sure. You are slow." Feitan's eyes widened slightly, letting you know he was attempting to joke with you. He felt at ease, calm even.

"Here let's see how much spicy you can take." You reached for a large bag of the hottest chips you could find. "And we're gonna add some of this to it to." You raised a bottle of chili sauce at him, raising your eyebrows in a playful manner.

"Sure, but if I can eat... what you give me without breaking a sweat...you have to eat it too."

"Doesn't Phinks need his beer?" you nervously tried to divert the topic.

"He can wait."

Back at your apartment, Feitan sat on your couch holding a bowl of hot chips with a generous amount of sauce poured over them. "No one could ever eat this without crying," you thought to yourself.

You watched in amazement as the man in front of you finished the entire bowl without even changing his expression. It took you a second to snap out of it.

"You have to finish the whole bag! You're cheating!" you knew that there was no way you could eat what he did and not blow your head out.

"Shutup! Sore loser! Your turn now." He poured the sauce directly in the bag of remaining hot chips, a sly smile drawing on his lips as he thought of you crying out in pain just for eating this.

"No, please! I promise I won't ever make a bet with you again!" you pleaded with him.

"No. Eat this whole bowl. You made a deal. You don't break deals with me." His stern tone was enough to make you reach out for the bag reluctantly.

You felt your tongue was on fire after eating the fourth small handful. Tears began to stream from your eyes and all Feitan could do was laugh at you while you were begging for water. You could handle the heat when it came to food, but nowhere near him.

"That's enough." He chuckled, bringing a glass of water up to your mouth. As you drank it desperately you looked into his eyes and couldn't help but notice the look in them.

"Brave, I'll give you that." He said as he brought his arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer to him.

Undeniable (Feitan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now