Chapter 17: A Lurking Shadow

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"Well, what do you say? I'm dying for some action right now!" the strange tall man asked.

You had been silent, not giving a reply as the familiar-looking man in front of you magically pulled an ace of spades from his left sleeve.

"I know I've seen this before. I've seen him before. The cards...OH....he's the guy from Heaven's Arena. FUCK!" In the 2 seconds, after he revealed his card, your mind was working incredibly fast to put the pieces together. You had never had the misfortune of running into him in person however, his fights at Heaven's Arena were all broadcasting internationally with a huge media presence around them. "He's incredibly skilled and a strong fighter. I'm no match for him. Yet his bloodlust...he's looking for a fight for the hell of it."

"What do you want from me?" you tried so hard to calm yourself, you didn't want to let him know how scared you were.

"Oh, just a friendly dual! I've been itching for a battle!"

What kind of person actively seeks out a fight for the thrill of it? Not for stealing or for honor, just because he feels like it?

"Looks like I don't have a choice." You mumbled, bracing yourself for what would come next. "If I remember correctly, he's a transmuter. He's really fast. I need to be careful."

The tall magician jumped back a few steps, growing some distance between you two. Your eyes darted, watching his every graceful move. Without warning, the card in his hand flew at the speed of light towards you but you were lucky enough to catch it with your left hand and as soon as it touched your skin, it folded over. You had neutralized what was once a steel-hard card into felt.

"Hmm...I haven't met many people who could catch my cards like that! This is going to be fun!" He purred as he darted in your direction. His best long-distance offensive measure was his cards, and he wanted to see how well you fared in close combat.

"When I watched him fight he killed nearly all his opponents...the Hisoka guy-" your thoughts were brief, but enough to help you focus. The man in front of you could kill you instantly if you let down your guard.

Reaching for the dagger concealed under your coat he threw another card, this one headed for your neck. The blade sliced through it like butter, but before you had time to think the clown was now inches away from you. He didn't hesitate to reach for a right swing, but you quickly blocked him with your forearm.

It had been ages since you last fought, but luckily your forte was close combat. "I have to neutralize his bloodlust, it's the only way I'll survive."

You continued to evade his attacks, dodging in the nick of time to avoid his blows and matching his speed. "I can't keep this up for long, he's got me beat in stamina and strength. I have to do it NOW."

Waiting until he reached for another punch you quickly grasped his wrist. This wasn't enough force to stop him from hitting you right in the chin. You had sacrificed this blow so you could let your hand touch him. The hit was enough to send you flying and crashing into the shrub and dirt behind you.

As you began to stand up, the crimson-haired man curiously stared at his hands. The air around you suddenly felt different. You knew the change was due to his bloodlust being quenched.

"Hmm, how interesting. I no longer feel the urge to kill or even fight you! To be honest I was going to spare your life. I see potential in you. Did you do this? Interesting!" He smirked as he watched you bring yourself up.

You were lucky you were able to quell his need to battle but he had dealt more damage to your pride than your face. "What an arrogant man" the thought pounded in your head.

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