Chapter 3: A Young Girl's Appreciation

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The week came and went quickly, and while you kept yourself busy with the never-ending piles of paperwork and research assignments whenever you had a moment to yourself you couldn't help but wonder when your mysterious acquaintance  would come around again.

The pitter patter of the rain gave a soothing background noise as you continued to fumble through documents and articles you had taken home from work.

While you always longed to live your life freely and not tied down by the boring and gloomy details of bureaucracy, you had only ever known to live it by the ideals and dreams your mother had kindly but frequently drilled in your mind. In fact, the only "wild" thing that you did (and of your own accord) was deciding to take the Hunter exam.

You were deep in thought when you suddenly heard a banging on the door.

"Hold up! I'll be right there!" you were buried (quite literally) in paperwork, files, a laptop and notes. As you set yourself free you heard a loud knock again.

"Why the impatience?" you wondered.

You didn't even bother to look through the peep hole of your door, you just worked on hastily unlocking the door. This revealed a certain black-haired man, wearing a black cloak and furrowed brows as always.

"Why take so long!" he snapped, burrowing his way through the slightly opened door and into the apartment.

You could only bring yourself to laugh. One of the two embarrassing habits you had was a nervous laughter and you found yourself doing this around this man often, since he made you so nervous.

He walked up to the book self and placed the novel he had swiped last week back into place. As he raised his line of sight to a higher shelf his eyes settled on a picture frame with a woman and a much younger you.

"Who is this?" He pointed at the woman next to you in the picture.

"My mother." His eyes widened slightly, and he looked around the living room, as if looking for her.

"You're not going to find her here silly" you giggled.

"I am not silly, you silly" he blurted out.

He sat down on your couch as you glanced at the picture he had looked at. It felt odd to you, almost as if he was invading your privacy, but you did not mind.

"She died four years ago in an accident." You knew he was probably wondering why she was not around, but he could not bring himself to ask.

Feitan was not one to usually feel sympathy but sitting on the couch of a woman who had so willingly welcomed his intrusion, he felt a tug at his heart. His eyes lowered and he frowned. While he could not say it, he felt sorrow for you. The few times he had encountered you, you were always smiling, but this was the first time he had seen you silent and a smile nowhere to be seen. "Why do you care? She's just some stupid girl you had the misfortune of running into. Why do you care if she is sad?" He couldn't help but wonder.

"She was lucky. To have you" He found himself blurting out, this was a thought that had formulated in his head but he had no intention of saying it out loud.

You looked up at him and your familiar smile suddenly reappeared.

He glanced at you and met your gaze as you walked over and sat next to him, only three inches separating you and him. He wondered why you would want to be so close to him. For the majority of his life he was the type of person people usually avoided and yet here you were, inches away from him.

He hated to admit it but being so close to you made him nervous too, and as much as he tried to fight it, his pale face was suddenly flushed. He got up quickly like he did before and made his way to the exit.

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