Chapter 19: Losing Control

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"So there are thirteen of you in total? I bet they're all incredibly powerful, considering how skilled you are of a fighter."

You and Feitan were sitting closely next to each other on the bus back to York New City. He had insisted on accompanying you on your way back, despite you assuring him you would be fine.

"Yes...we lost two members recently..." His mind drifted, memories of his fallen comrades returning to him. In the time that they had lost Uvo and Pakunoda, the sadness his heart felt when he silently mourned them hadn't ceased.

In his head were images that were so vivid it was as if he was seeing it all over again. Chains, angry red eyes, blonde hair; Kurapika.

"I'm sorry Feitan...I know it's incredibly painful to lose someone you care so much about." You placed your hand over his pale one, feeling his cool skin. It was a feeling you missed so much.

You could easily see the pain in his eyes. How easily you fell apart when watching him open up to you. How did this man have so much control over you?

"Do you know...what happened?" You were hesitant to ask; you weren't sure how he would answer.

The feeling of rage flooded him. The way he felt so helpless to stop the demise of his teammates and friends, it was unwavering. He wanted so desperately to get them the justice they deserved.

"It was...a powerful opponent. He holds a grudge against us. A skilled chain user." He declared grimly.

It was a thought that deeply troubled you. You had never before worried about Feitan's wellbeing in that way, you didn't think there was anyone that could threaten his life. Now that you knew there was someone with a vendetta looking to spill the Phantom Troupe's blood, your heart sank. You turned to look at the man next to you only to see his head lowered, his ebony locks hiding his expression.

"What would happen..." you swallowed the lump in your throat "if you came face to face with this chain-user?" It was the question you had been dying to ask. At the end of the day, only Feitan knew how he would fare against him.

The seasoned torturer had asked himself that same question many times before, and it pained him to admit that for the first time in a long time he was unsure if he could beat an opponent. There were very little people alive that could easily win against him head-on, but someone like Kurapika who had abilities designed to work against his?

"I don't know." He turned away from you, he didn't want to see the look on your face. What would happen if he had to face Kurapika, when he had to face him? It was something he would only know when it happened.

You both stayed silent for some time after. You were unsure of how to process this information, afraid that someone could harm Feitan and you wouldn't be able to do anything to stop it. Feitan was lost in thought, his eyes focused on nothing.

The rest of the ride was nearly as quiet, with the exception of you occasionally pointing at something on the road trying to distract your companion. He realized just how much he missed the energy you gave off around him. This carefree, happy you. You were staring out the window when he let a slight smile form from his lips. A smile only you could bring out.

"I told you already Y/N, I don't like this man at all!" Hina rambled. You had been listening to your friend go on and on for the past 30 minutes.

Your mind was occupied thinking of him, his embrace, the beautiful curve of his nose, how his grey eyes turned nearly purple on occasion, the taste of his lips, his strong grip on your throat- "Dammit! Why the hell am I thinking about this now?!"

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