Chapter 8: Face the Truth

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"And then?! I need all the details! You're terrible at kissing and telling

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"And then?! I need all the details! You're terrible at kissing and telling." Hina complained as she filed her long nails, deliberately avoiding the work in front of her.

"And then he went home. Nothing else happened." But you let a sly smile come across your face.

"I knew it! You're lying! Such a naughty girl, you need to tel-"

Your gossiping was interrupted by George hovering over the computer monitor.

"Y/N, the boss wants to see you."

Hina rapidly fell silent, just moving her eyes towards the door and mouthing 'call me after work'.

Moving through the massive building until you reached your manager's office, you knocked twice on the door. After hearing a voice call out "Come in!" you walked through the entrance.

You stood in front of the old man as he smoothed the hair over his bald spot located on the top of his head.

"Sit down, sit down young lady." He waved his arm at the chair in front of his desk.

"Ms. L/N, I'm sure you're wondering why you were called over today. We've been keeping an eye on your performance in the lab and your consistency to bring in results. You're an outstanding employee and you have been selected to work closely with the higher ups on a confidential project."

You let his words settle in. "Thank you, I was worried that we were reaching dead ends often in our research but we try our hardest, all of us."

"I like your humble attitude but we know how hard you have been working individually. You're bright and young and this is an opportunity to move up. You'd still be working at this location of course but you will also be needed to commute to the Hunter's Association Yorknew location, where you will be meeting Ms. Yorkshire."

"Ms. Yorkshire?!" Your excitement began to rise. You had selected this company because you had always dreamed of working with the famous Zodiac. In the nearly three years you had been employed there, you had never had the honor of meeting her, but you would finally get the chance.

"Thank you, Mr. Seron, I appreciate your praise and I promise I will not let you down."

"Great, we'll see you after the weekend, my secretary will have all the paperwork you need to sign. We're expecting great things from you."

You excused yourself, barely holding in your enthusiasm. Glancing at your watch, you noticed that your workday was officially over.

As you left your building you felt a chilly breeze hit you. Hina had left as soon as the clock struck 6, so you were ready to make the walk home alone.

"You got out late?" a pale figure sporting a black hoodie stepped out from the shadows.

It was taking some getting used to being ambushed by this man, so his question startled you.

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