Chapter 36: A Change of Character

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"You know...I've been waiting...a very long time"

The wind blew furiously, so hard it was almost enough to stop a grown man in his tracks. The air wasn't particularly chilly, but the sun had long since set, and the only thing between complete darkness and the two figures standing was a weak streetlamp a few feet away.

A dark, tall figure towered over a shorter one. There was nothing else in their surroundings, except for the howling of the wind.

"You should know better than I do that all we really do is wait. Wait until we have the perfect time to strike, wait until the boss calls, although we could be waiting forever at this point..." A man's deep voice resonated throughout the backstreet.

There was a stark difference in stature between the two men, but it didn't seem to faze either of them. It was almost as if they were accepting, if not welcoming to each other's presence.

"I'm getting tired of waiting Nobunaga."

"I've never known you to tire of anything, Feitan." The man paused, examining the expression on his face, but as always, it was blank.

"Maybe I am fickle, like that clown Hisoka." Feitan snarled, as he always did when mentioning the one ex-member he despised.

The was a few seconds of undisturbed silence, followed by footsteps. They didn't say another word, both men just made their way as quietly as possible.

Nobunuga was no fool. He knew that Feitan was always exceptionally quiet, but never this painfully quiet. He knew better than to ask what was bothering him, and honestly, he did not care. Instead, he preferred to ask a less dangerous question. The silence was too disturbing for him.

"Where have you been all this time?" He asked, his tone was demanding, but he was careful not to sound too forceful. He knew Feitan had a temper.

"Does that matter? Do I ever ask you...where you have been?" He deadpanned, his eyes not abandoning the road in front of him.

"No! I was just wondering. Not like we normally talk about our personal lives anyway." Nobunaga replied, walking right by Feitan's side.

Feitan paused for a moment. His footsteps ceased, and he looked up at the sky briefly.

"It doesn't matter...where I've been. I just know. I can never go back."

You were never tech-savvy, but you weren't completely inept either. You were a quick learner, and this worked to your advantage.

Sitting at a computer in an internet café about 20 minutes away from your place, you typed and searched for hours. You were consumed by the obsession.

"Hey...miss? I'm sorry to bother you, but we'll be closing in 5 minutes." A woman approached you from behind, politely smiling as you looked up at her.

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