Chapter 1: A Fateful Encounter

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It had been an unusually long summer this year, so when the first cold front hit, you didn't hesitate to run to the coffee shop a few blocks away from your place. You had embarrassingly slept through the alarm so you made the decision to take the alley next to the coffee shop as a shortcut on the way to work.

The atmosphere was slightly clouded, a light fog had enveloped Yorknew City. Your right hand gripped the styrofoam cup filled with the hot liquid. On your left shoulder you carried a tote filled to the brim with books, a mixture of a personal collection of classic fiction and academic research books (all with initials and work address neatly written on the inside of the cover)

You shivered as you took a few steps forward as a chilly breeze had crept behind. "If I walk a bit faster, I might not be late to work. I should probably finish this drink before I get there" You thought to yourself while looking down at the ground and you watched as your feet picked up the pace. "Just two more blocks, almost th-"

You felt the left side of your body crash into a dark figure. The sound of the tote slipping off your shoulder and releasing your many books onto the dirty floor echoed through the alleyway.

"Tch! Watch where you go!" The dark figure grunted. The voice was not too deep but definitely one of a young man.

You had been staring at my books scattered on the ground, some dipped in the cold puddles. You raised your eyes to meet his gaze. He had cold grey eyes with a stern look. You couldn't help but smile apologetically, even though it had been him who bumped into you "I'm so sorry! I'm such a klutz I never look where I'm going. I dropped all my books on the ground, and I've probably ruined some of them." You chuckled lightly.

He just stared back and crouched down to help collect some of the fallen possessions. As you glanced at your watch you suddenly realized it was 8:03 am, and you were already late to work.

"Thank you for helping me but I have to run I'm so late, I don't want to be written up for tardiness!" and with that you scooped up the books and ran down the backstreet "Sorry again!" you shouted back at the hooded man, glancing one last look at him before you turned the corner and onto a busy street.

The man glared as you left "clumsy stupid girl" he scoffed when he suddenly stepped on something. He looked down and saw a singular book left behind on the floor. He leaned over to pick it up, and when he opened the front cover he saw neat handwriting placed on the blank page


1532 4th St, Yorknew City

The book slammed shut as the man made his way down the alley and away from where he had encountered you just a few minutes before.  


Letting the door close itself, you trotted into your living room and threw yourself on the couch. "Long day but at least I didn't get in trouble for being late" you began to rummage through your bag and placed all your books that had previously fallen in the alley on the low table in front of you.

As you scanned through the selection, you realized that a familiar cover was missing. "Where...?" you took one last look through the bag and when the search came up empty, you realized you probably left it at work.

You began to worry a bit. The one book that had gone missing was particularly special. It had belonged to your mother, and it had great emotional value.

"I'll just get it tomorrow" you sighed and you took your jacket off and closed your eyes. You were exhausted, and another long day awaited you tomorrow.


A couple of days had passed. The man from your encounter sat on a park bench as he turned the final page of a particular novel that you had been searching for. He promptly closed the book and sat up, walking away from the bench.


You sat over your desk, filing the huge stack of paperwork in front of you. Heavy footsteps appeared and you turned your head to see George, the security guard.

"Hey Y/N, someone's here to see you"

"What? George are you sure it's not for Hina?" you glanced over at your lively coworker, who was undoubtably more popular than you.

"Uh no the guy definitely asked for you by your first and last name" He gestured over to the entrance of the building.

"Okay thanks, I'll be there in a second" You placed the document you were working on in a folder and quickly made your way

"I wonder who it could be? " you wondered. You rarely got visitors at work, and they were almost never men.

Pushing the door that led to the entry of the building, you saw a man of short stature with black hair donning all black attire facing away from you.

"Alright here she is" the security guard walked away leaving the two of you alone in the entryway. He turned around to face you and the pair of grey piercing eyes met your E/C ones.

"Oh! I remember you from a few days ago, I bumped into you in that alley right?" He stayed silent for a few seconds and then reached for an object in his pocket. He handed a familiar object to you and as you took it from him you smiled "This...I've been looking for this!"

"Good book. I like it." He shifted his eyes, as if to avoid your gaze.

"You read it?" you were surprised that he had the time to do so, it was a length novel that would take you at least 4 days to read.

"Yes. Why I gave book now not that day"

"That was quick, you read fast. I'm impressed" you chuckled. Your reaction surprised him. He was expecting you to be angry at him for delaying your reunion with your lost article, not to compliment him for reading your book so rapidly.

"You, not mad?" His eyes met yours, his expression was that of genuine curiosity.

"No, why would I be? You seemed to enjoy my book and even though it took you a few days to return it, you were using it and I don't mind"

"I was going to steal"

"Why didn't you?" He stared at you and had no idea how to reply. Who would even ask why he didn't steal your book? "She's weird. Too nice she could be up to something. Nobody is ever this nice without having some ulterior motive"

"Well anyway, I really appreciate you bringing it back and I'm glad you liked it. Thank you uh...what did you say your name was?"

"I did not say." He sharply replied. You waited for a reply and he eventually gave in.

" my name."

"Thank you Feitan."

He looked up at you one final time inspecting your expression. You finally got a chance to get a good look at his face. That day you first met him his head was covered, and you could only see his eyes clearly. He had sharp, small eyes and grey pupils. He had straight black hair that were about the length of his ears. He was good-looking but he furrowed his eyebrows in a way that would make him unapproachable.

He turned around and walked out the door not once looking back to say goodbye.

"Bye" you said softly and made your way back to your desk. 

Undeniable (Feitan x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant