Chapter 30: Let Him Keep You Safe

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After nearly a week off of work, you finally returned to your normal routine of life, if that was even possible. It was only the second time since you began working there that you had not wanted to go. It was a strange feeling, like a switch that had suddenly been flipped. You had little motivation to do your job, almost all the passion you had for it was gone.

"Hey, don't forget we have a meeting in the conference room in 10 minutes" one of your coworkers, who you could not for the life of you remember his name, reminded you and Hina as he passed through the hallway.

You nodded at him, indicating you had heard him. You turned around in your chair to face the stack of paperwork in front of you.

"You know, I actually like it way better here at the main office laboratory than where we first started at." Hina hummed cheerfully as she typed away on the keyboard.

"What do you mean? It's the same bullshit just nicer desks and facilities." You muttered under your breath as you examined a document you were carefully examining.

"Ah! You've become SO grumpy lately...and such a killjoy! I'm just happy I finally got promoted too you jerk!" Your friend replied, sticking her tongue out playfully at you.

"Don't try me!" you giggled while you lightly slapped Hina on her arm with the papers you had in your hand.

"Hey so do you want to go for some drinks after work?" your periwinkle-haired friend asked. You widened your eyes at her, raising your eyebrows as you waited for her to realize what you were inferring.

"OH! I'm sorry I forgot! Well, I can drink, and you can watch?" she continued.

"That hardly sounds like any fun. Besides I have plans afterward." You sighed, twirling your hair in your finger, and signed the document with the other hand.

"I don't think it's a good idea to be meeting up with the Grim Reaper Y/ careful." She complained as her expression one of genuine concern.

You leaned back in your chair, placing the documents in a different pile. You untied your hair and ran your fingers through it slowly. This was an act that often calmed you whenever you felt your anxiety begin to rise.

"Hello, Feitan?"


"Yes." Feitan finally replied, his heart was still racing.

"I-I can't believe I'm calling you. I'm still so angry at you-"

"It was a misunderstanding pl-"

"No. I don't want to talk about that right now. I need to talk to you. It's not that I want to see you right now but there's something I need to talk to you about. It's important."

"I'll go see you right now."

"No...I can't right now. I can probably meet after work on Monday."

"No! I go now!" Feitan growled.

"I already said no. I'll meet you on Monday at 6:30." The line clicked, and you had hung up.

You could only wonder if maybe you had been too short with him, too cruel. Your mind wandered off as you feared the impending meeting with him later this evening.

"Hey let's go it's time for the meeting," Hina said, snapping you out of your daydreaming.

"Oh yeah."

You made your way to the conference room, watching the hallway for your colleagues to join you on your walk. It was starting to get slightly warmer this time of year, but the heater in the building was still blowing as hard as it was when it was snowing a few weeks earlier. The anxiety and unusual heat of the area were causing you to become slightly dizzy, your head was spinning.

Undeniable (Feitan x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ