Chapter 40: The Sting of Honesty

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When your eyes snapped open and you saw the world around you unchanged, your heart sank as you realized that you had only heard him in a dream, it was not reality. It was at that exact moment that you felt desperate. You were truly alone. You had no one, nothing. There was not a soul you could count on. As much as you understood his motive, Feitan had abandoned you, nonetheless.

You slid your hands tiredly through your eyes, back to your temples, and through your hair. The headache you could feel building was going to be a problem. Ever since your new powers had awakened, you would often get migraines. These migraines always amplified your hatsu.

You reached for your bag in the seat next to you, dropping it on your lap. You sighed for a second, looking out the window to stare into the dark void of the night. The train car was quiet, there were very few people here besides you. As you rummaged through your bag to look for the little bottle of pain pills you were looking for, you suddenly felt a shadow loom over you.

Without looking up, you felt someone sit down quickly next to you. Much to your surprise, you weren't afraid. Enough had happened to you in the last few days that nothing scared you anymore.

"You shouldn't take that pain killer, it's a blood thinner." The voice was soft but firm. You immediately recognized it.

You finally looked up at the person next to you. "I know." That was all you said.

"Why are you here?" You asked politely. This was the first time in a while that you realized you were being polite. Just a few months ago, you were only ever polite.

In the next seconds that followed you reminisced on the past, and just how much you had changed.

"I'm not stalking you or anything..."His voice was shaky, it was almost as if he was nervous.

Yeah, I've heard that before.

"Kurapika, I've already told you that I don't need you to pity me or help me." Your tone had now changed from simply polite to annoyed.

"I know you don't need help. You've shown yourself to be quite independent. I just want to make sure..." His voice faded and he turned to look at you.

It was his look of puzzlement that confused you. He was so difficult to comprehend it enraged you.

"Just leave" you growled and focused on the dark landscape through the window.

To your surprise, he gently wrapped his hand around your forearm. A wave of calm and tranquility washed over you, and you relaxed your arm.

"Just follow me." He whispered.

He led you through the cabin of the train, onto the corridor connection where a metal ladder hung on outside. He worried over you as you struggled lightly to climb the ladder, as your abdomen was beginning to grow larger, and the ladder left little room for any space.

His hand was warm, which was a distinction between the cold grip that Feitan always had. It was a difference you had noticed, but not one you particularly preferred. You were surprised that the entire time he held your arm, neither of you spoke a word. And you followed him without much resistance.

Kurapika finally let go of your arm when both of you were sitting outside, on the top of the train car. It was going fast, but the wind felt pleasant on your face.

The both of you sat in complete silence for what seemed like an eternity, but only 30 minutes had gone by. You passed the time by looking at the small lights in the countryside. You wondered who lived there and what kind of life they led. "They probably live simple, beautiful lives." You envied but said nothing as you yearned for that type of world.

Undeniable (Feitan x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora