Chapter 38: Melody of a Broken Heart

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"It took a long get to where I am now." Feitan's soft, firm voice echoed.

"I can imagine. I know it mustn't have been easy for you, but I'm glad you're here now." You always enjoyed looking up to admire his expression. He was always so great at hiding his emotions, but you could often see right through him.

"The thing...that took me the longest...was realizing that I am someone who deserves to live." He paused, looking up at the night sky. In the city, the lights that glowed from below nearly always concealed the beautiful stars in the sky, but you could see 1 star that shined so brightly, not even light pollution could hide it.

"it's not easy...for you. You can act like you're...completely okay with what I do but...I know you still struggle with accepting me...completely." There was something melancholy about the way he said that. You couldn't help but take a second to reach for his hand.

He pulled his hand away from yours. He had moments like these, where he would pull back after sharing small, intimate details about himself. It was almost as if he was always careful not to be too vulnerable.

"'s not that. I don't struggle with accepting you at all, Feitan. I struggle with my own personal understanding of morals. I used to think the world was so black and white, with no room for any grey areas. There were good people and bad people, and bad people did horrible things for no other reason than because they were evil. Maybe I'm having a quarter-life crisis or something because I'm beginning to challenge everything that I believed so deeply in." Your eyes met briefly before you glanced up at the sky.

"Now I realize that the people society calls "good" aren't always as good as they seem to be. Almost every so-called "bad" person has a reason for being that way. Most of the time it's because society has wronged them, shunned them, cast them out for not fitting in. The puzzle pieces that don't fit are thrown away. I...I used to think that we needed to live and abide by certain rules to live in a functioning community but...the people who are supposed to protect us are just self-absorbed assholes."

Feitan raised his brow, a clear indication that he could sense your frustration. "You sure there's not this story?"

"Fei...I don't believe in the world I used to admire. I thought my way of life was normal, I never hurt anyone. But then...I found out that I lived in ignorance."

"I wouldn't say...ignorance." He turned to look at you, and he appreciated the stern, serious expression that you almost never had.

"What would a butterfly know of a spider's life?" He gently lifted your chin, analyzing the look in your eyes "I couldn't blame you for living a sheltered life Y/N."

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