Chapter 24: There's Something Lurking in the Shadows

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While you sat at the table of your favorite restaurant in town, you watched out the window as pedestrians walked by, families with their children, university students rushing to get to class, workers hurrying back from their lunch breaks. It was an eerie feeling as if things were too normal on this Saturday afternoon. You couldn't exactly figure out how, but there was a lingering feeling of anxiety. There was something lurking in the shadows of the future.

You sipped the coffee you had ordered, finally looking away from the window. Your mind wandered elsewhere, as it usually did nowadays. You thought about Feitan, where he was, and how he was doing. He had snuck out early that morning, leaving behind the empty space next to you in bed, and a small note on the nightstand by its side.

"Sorry I had to leave. I will call later. Maybe"

"Maybe...what does that even mean? You would think that after a few months he could quit with these games." You placed your hand under your chin as you felt worry creep behind you.

Ever since your father had come to town and visited you, things between you and Feitan had escalated and it was happening so suddenly you barely had time to process it.

"THERE YOU ARE!" The loud shrill of a woman's voice disrupted your daydreaming, and you turned around to face a very familiar periwinkle-haired woman.

"I've been looking everywhere for you!" Hina exclaimed.

"How come you always know how to find me in a city with millions of people?" you sighed playfully looking up at your friend.

"Find My Friends! Remember? You share your location with me but sometimes you move so fast and to so many places it's hard to catch up!" she raised her cellphone and pointed at the screen.

"Oh...that. I forgot about that" you giggled and moved your purse to make room for Hina.

Your friend gladly took your invitation to sit down, threw herself on the chair, and began to nervously run her fingers through her hair. It was rare for Hina to be nervous or anxious, and this alerted you that something was up.

"What brings you here? It's not that I'm not happy to see you it's just that for you to come to find me in person instead of calling first means that there's something important going on." You were extremely perceptive, more than you usually let on.

Hina's face lit up in excitement, her smile wasn't big enough to contain her emotions.

"Well Y/N, I came here because I need to ask you a super important question. It's a matter of life or death!" Hina dramatically spoke.

"Oh god..." your friend had always theatrical, so this didn't surprise you.

"Okay so..." she raised her hand, bringing it close to your face. On her left ring finger, a silver diamond ring quickly caught your attention. It was glaring and bright, no one could miss it from a mile away.

"OH MY GOD!" this time you meant it; your eyes filled with the same excitement Hina had.

"He proposed?! Hin! This is amazing! I'm so happy for you two!" You didn't care if you were being too loud at this point. "Wait what is the question though?" you added.

"You should already know this Y/N! You need to be my Maid of Honor!"

"That's not really a question but I would love to. When's the big date?" you replied cheerfully.

"We had originally thought of having a long engagement as they do in the movies in order to draw out the suspense, but you know me I'm too impatient so we're actually getting married in three months."

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