Meanie 11

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[If youre wondering how i Choose the ships- I have a lil roulette on my phone with SVT ships on it and I spin it whenever I think of a prompt. All of these are on Wonwoo's POV]

Villains, the antagonists of the story. The mean, ugly guys in fairytales that somehow knows magic just to curse the "Princess". They are those people that do evil things either to satisfy their hatred from the main characters. Those that are hated by society.

Well, people only see Villains like how I described them. No one really knows what drove these Villains to hate the protagonist, heck, some stories showed why but mostly they dont.

Of course.. I would know.. I am a villain of a story. To be honest, I dont really like being a villain, I just want to live peacefully, Im okay with not having friends and all, I just want to live like the side characters.

As a villain, youre obligated to have a "Secret Lair" so you can do your evil plans and how you can become more mischievious. I just turned mine into a lounge, filled with cats, that I adopted myself cause Humans are an asshole. I usually go there just whenever I want to, by that I mean all the time. Like right now, Im headed to that haven.

"You want fish? Come, you must be so hungry" Whenever I go to my lair, I always pick up stray cats along the way and put them inside the big basket that I carry around everywhere. Somehow, cats are very attracted to me, and that makes me so happy. With that in mind, I honestly dont care about the people's judging stares whenever I pick up stray cats.

"He must be using cats for his spells"

"Oh no.. Poor felines, they must be getting killed.."

Yeah right, like I couldnt hear you from here. If anything, I feel like the cats feel more safer with me than any of you assholes. I would never kill a cat, never.  I decided to just ignore them and go on my way.

I picked up atleast 4 cats, theyre probably fighting in the basket right now, so I decided to take one out and carried it with my hand.

"Dont fight your friends, thats bad" I scolded the cat. The cat of course didnt listen, its just licking my finger, it probably wants more fish, Ill just feed it later.

While I was about to get to my lair, I suddenly bumped into the so-called "Princess" of this story. You know, the one who always gets saved by the prince, the one.. Who is always liked by society..

I noticed she looked pale, and she was holding her abdomen in pain. Shes probably hungry. Normally, I wouldnt care, but since Im feeling nice today Ill give her some bread.

"You know, you shouldnt go on trips if youre not even gonna bring some food" I told her before handing her the bread.

She looked really confused for a second there, "wait, Im not supposed to accept this.. There must be poison" She tried giving the bread back to me but I insisted.

"Its up to you if you wanna suffer or not, Im not accountable if you die of starvation" I said before leaving.

I finally got to my lair, I saw someone infront, feeding and petting my cats. He looked really handsome doing so, even the cats were also attracted to him. He looked up at me and panicked.

"O-Oh! Youre here.. I-I was just checking up on your cute cats!" He awkwardly chuckled.

I scoffed, "Well, well, I never expected the prince would come to my lair, what are you seeking? Do you want me to curse the princess faster so you could save her? Not a chance" I was about to put the basket down when he grabbed my hand.

"N-No... I didnt come here because of that.." He gently took the basket from me, he put the basket down for him and released the kittens, "I... I only came here because the cats wouldve been starving.. And I made you a pie"

"Huh? really.. What for?" I asked, destiny wouldnt like that were close like this. The prince and the Villain shouldnt be close at all.

The prince looked down at the floor, "I was just learning how to bake and you came across my mind so I gave it to you" he then moved his hand to my shoulders. "Tell me what you think of it, okay? I worked really hard on it"

I swatted his hand away and headed to the kitchen. I grabbed a fork then went to the table. Im quite hungry myself so why not try it? I took a piece and ate it. Its good, the strawberries wasnt too sweet, the pie was perfectly baked.

"So.. What do you think?" He looked really nervous asking that question for some reason.

"You said you just learned how to bake.. Did you do this yourself?"


"Unbelievable, this pie tastes like its baked by a baker" I said before eating a piece again.

He smiled, "I-If you want more Ill try and make more"

"Well that just means I might get sick of it if you keep doing the same thing"

"Youre right.. Then Ill try different things, Ill make sure youre the first one to see"

I must admit, The prince is really cute in my opinion. I mean, who wouldnt be attracted to the prince? His body is fit, hes strong, hes tall, hes handsome, hes really hardworking and hes kind. No wonder hes the prince, hes perfect. Im not saying I have feelings for him... Who am I kidding? I do have feelings for him. Even if I do have feelings for him, we would never be together, destiny already decided that. The prince falls inlove with the princess, the princess gets cursed by the villain, the prince seeks revenge, the villain is killed, the princess is saved and they live happily ever after.

But.. I like him, Id do everything just to be with him. It really hurts knowing that youre not gonna end up together. I tried cutting all ties with him but hes the one being persistent. Maybe I should just curse the princess after all?

"Hey, Lets go somewhere" The prince grabbed my hand and dragged me inside the forest. I didnt say anything and just let him take me to where he wants to.

In the middle of a forest, there was a small hill, and on top of it was a big tree. He climbed up and sat under the tree, I then sat down beside him.

"Its calming, isnt it? I found this myself" The prince bragged.

"I suppose it is" I replied. The wind is somehow perfect here, its not too strong but there is wind. Leaves and flowers fall off from the tree above us. The prince even caught one small flower and gave it to me.

We sat in silence for a bit, just feeling the wind. The prince then looked at me.

"Why are you so obsessed with Destiny?" The prince suddenly asked.

He probably mustve misunderstood me, "No, Im not obsessed with destiny.. Why do you think so?"

The prince shrugged and looked away, leaning his back on the tree trunk. "Whenever I come hang out you always go like 'Destiny wouldnt like this' or 'Its already decided by Destiny' its so confusing sometimes"

"But.. Isnt it true? We shouldn't be together right now, destiny doesnt like it"

"There you go again.."

"I couldnt help it, I think Im just blaming destiny for everything miserable in my life. Everyone hates me, I am the villain of this story, its understandable"

"Thats because they havent talked to you"

I curled my knees close to my body, I laid my head on my knees, "They always think Im mean, that Ill do evil things. They hate me, theyre probably expecting you to execute me.. I just know it"

"Well, what if we can change the destiny?" The prince stated. I looked at him in confusion. The prince then smiled, "As the prince of this story, I think Its my own choice on who to love.  If you think that everyone hates you... Well not everyone"

"What do you mean?"

"Damn, you dont get it? That means I like you, dummy... And here I thought I was being obvious with the cakes I send you" The prince sighed.

"Im just dumb.. But the feeling's mutual.."

The prince looked surprise, he then grabbed my hand. "No way?? That.. I didnt expect.. Can I kiss you or something?"

He is so adorable. Im actually glad that he likes me back. Maybe destiny is just being nice to me today.

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