Jeongcheol 2.4

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[I think this would be the last chapter of this story, Im so sorry. Also the fact that I dont have any idea on how to end this.]

Mingyu wasn't informed about Jeonghan's arrest. He immediately went to where Jeonghan was held captive.

"What happened? Did they found out?" Mingyu asked Jeonghan.

Jeonghan nodded, "Someone, apparently snitched" He sighed.

"Its okay, youre in trial yet. You can just act youre actually from here" Mingyu suggested.

Jeonghan forgot he hasnt told Mingyu yet. Even though hes still in trial, he was certain he would get killed because hes a prince that broke a law.

"I would be sentenced to death, Mingyu" Jeonghan stated.

"What? No, not yet"

Jeonghan shook his head, "As Pinwheel's prince, I would be"

Mingyu was surprised, "Youre... A prince?" He asked.

"Yeah, Im sorry" Jeonghan showed an apologetic smile.

Mingyu now doesnt know what to do. He couldnt stop the law even though he wanted to. He stood infront of the cell, silently. He felt bad for not being able to help Jeonghan.

"Hey, can you tell Seungkwan hes a good kid?" Jeonghan asked. After all, it was Seungkwan who let him see the other side of the border that he longed for for a long time. "When he hears about this, he'll cry and blame himself again" He chuckled.

Mingyu slowly nodded, "I will"

"Thank you, now leave before they get suspicious"

Mingyu sighed, "Youre right.. Ill see you at the trial tomorrow" He left the dungeon.

Seungcheol came down to the dungeon to see Jeonghan. He heard from his father about his arrest.

"Hey, did they hurt you or anything?" Seungcheol asked, he wanted to let Jeonghan out but he doesnt have the key for the cell.

Jeonghan rolled his eyes, "Why do you care? You obviously did this to me"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Dont play dumb. Youre the only person I told my secret to, how else would they know"

Seungcheol was confused, "I didnt do anything"

Jeonghan doesnt buy that. He now lost trust on Seungcheol. "If you didnt do anything, why am I here?" He shouted.

"I swear it wasnt me"

Jeonghan scoffed, "Go away" He turned his back on Seungcheol.

Seungcheol went to his father, furious. The only person that cares for him had just lost his trust on him.

"Let the prince go" Seungcheol ordered.

"Son, hes a criminal, we cant do that-"

Seungcheol cut his father off. "I said let him go!" He shouted.

"I cant let an outsider run free, son. Why do you even want him?"

"Hes not just an outsider, I love him! Hes the only one who makes me happy.." Seungcheol finally said the truth.

The king was surprised by what he said. "Son you cant-"

"Ill pay for his sentence, kill me instead" Seungcheol stated.

The king saw how determined Seungcheol was. He sighed, he couldnt say no to his son. He knows when he says something, he would do it.

He ordered the guards to let Jeonghan go. Since he broke the law, he was forced to go back to Pinwheel. While he was getting sent back, a royal servant from Chilli walked up to him, he told him the truth about the situation, that it wasnt Seungcheol that told the king but it was him, he had been following the two for days. The servant expected money from the king for what he did, which he recieved but he felt guilty for doing that to the princes. The servant even showed him the amount of money he recieved.

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