Meanie 10.2

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[This kinda has no correlation with any of what happened on the first part, but I just wanna write Parents Meanie so.. Also if you want to see parent ships, you just comment which ship you like, or not im not forcing you]

Ever since Minwoo and Hyunwoo came to the house, Wonwoo finally wasnt bored in the house doing nothing. Seungkwan would sometimes visit, but the younger boy now currently lives with Hansol.

"Papa!" Hyunwoo waddled to him, while holding a leaf on his hand. "Leaf!" He held up proudly.

Wonwoo chuckled, he picked Hyunwoo up and put him on his lap, "Its a pretty leaf, isnt it?" He patted the little boy's head.

"I gave it to him!" Minwoo bragged.

"Thank you, Minwoo, but be careful aright"

"Im strong I can handle it!" Minwoo ran outside.

Both boys were different in their own ways. Minwoo is more active and playful than his little brother while the 2-year old Hyunwoo was more calm and gentle. Either way, both boys balance out each other.

Minwoo ran back inside, he went to Wonwoo and pointed his feet to reach his head. Wonwoo leaned in forward to let Minwoo reach his head. Minwoo put a flower crown on Wonwoo's head.

"There.. Now you look more pretty" Minwoo smiled. "Wear this in you and giant man's wedding, okay Papa?"

"Alright.. Also dont call him 'giant man' hes also your father"

"No! I dont like him, I only like Papa not him" Minwoo shrugged then continued to play with his little brother.

Mingyu and Wonwoo's wedding is in three days, theyre helding it in the palace's backyard to give it a garden feel, since thats what Mingyu wanted. The royals from three kingdoms are invited as well as Mingyu's guard mates. They didnt want it to be grand it was just simple.

"Minwoo, can you help father with cleaning" Mingyu called for his son.

Minwoo groaned and went to Mingyu, "I dont want to though.." He pouted.

"Just give me a hand, please?"

Minwoo sighed and helped Mingyu anyways. The two worked in silence, even though Mingyu grew fond of the little boy, he knows that the little boy doesnt like him.

"Father.. Why did you not let me and Hyunwoo go to prison?" Minwoo asked while he works.

Mingyu was surprised that the little boy finally called him 'father', "How old do you think you are? Youre only 7, Hyunwoo is 2 years old. I cant let you boys go there. If anyone should be in prison, its your parents"

Minwoo put his hand on Mingyu's hand. "They aren't our parents, You and Papa are" He smiled.

"Aww.. Its the first time you call me father and youre saying such sweet things!" Mingyu hugged the boy tightly.

"Wh- Im never gonna say that again!" Minwoo tried to escape Mingyu's arms but failed to do so.

Hyunwoo stood behind them, pouting since he wanted a hug from Mingyu too. " 'Ada!" He sulked.

"Ill give you a hug too!" Mingyu carried Hyunwoo and nuzzled his face on him. He even gave the little boy kisses on his cheek. "Did Papa bathe you? You smell like a baby"

"Dummy, Hyunwoo is a baby!" Minwoo stated.

"I know that, but dont call me dummy.."

"Father is a dumdum" Minwoo snickered before running away.

"Ah, so youre defying me? Come here Im gonna tickle you!" Mingyu carried Hyunwoo properly before chasing Minwoo around.

Wonwoo, who had just finished cleaning the room, got stuck between the two running around. Minwoo clung behind him, trying to hide from Mingyu.

"Papa help me!" Minwoo shouted while giggling.

"No, Papa cant help you now" Mingyu snickered. He went around Wonwoo to catch Minwoo.

"Gee, what are you guys up to?"

"I called father a dummy!"

"Wh- Minwoo youre not supposed to do that"

Minwoo buried his face on Wonwoo's legs, "Sorry Papa.."

Wonwoo patted Minwoo's head, "Its okay, now lets defeat Father"

"Wh- you guys are ganging up against me?"

"You and Hyunwoo are ganging up against Minwoo, Im taking his side"

"Oh its on"

The four of them started chasing and tickling each other. Both adults were having fun as much as the kids does. Minwoo has never experienced such fun in his life til' when Mingyu and Wonwoo took him in, hes glad that he and his little brother are in good hands.

Three days have passed, it was already Mingyu and Wonwoo's wedding. The royals congratulated the both of them while their friends hugged them both tightly. Wonwoo wore a white suit while Mingyu wore a black and red one.

The wedding was beautiful and pleasang. The garden was decorated with beautiful flowers and the guests wore pretty garden-themed clothes. Even the cake was also garden-themed.

The event went well to say the least, Minwoo did trip for a couple of times before succesfully bringing the rings to them. Hyunwoo stayed with Jeonghan as the wedding progresses.

Mingyu and Wonwoo were just enjoying their special moment. After years of being together, they were finally married. They basically have everything they wanted at this point.

And of course, since Author-nim doesnt know how to close this story, lets just say they lived happily ever after, the end.

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