Meanie 10

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[If you havent read that one Jeongcheol story about Highlight, Chilli and Pinwheel, you should but Im not forcing you lol. This is a little prequel to that story]

The marriage of Seungcheol and Jeonghan really helped Mingyu and Wonwoo in their daily life. Not only did Mingyu was now respected and not discriminated by everyone, Wonwoo now can go outside without fearing for his life.

"Im just wondering.. How did you and Mingyu meet?" Seungkwan asked as he pet Cat on his lap.

"Oh.. It isnt really an interesting story but.. We met somewhere a little bit far from this house.. He was a little lost at that time, and I just happen to find him"

Wonwoo was told to pick up fruits from the trees in the woods. He held a basket in his left hand while the other holds a sharp stick. He would swing that stick like a sword to cut off the branches and catch the fruits with his basket.

While he does so, he heard something move in the bushes beside him. He put the basket down and slowly approached the bushes, he held the stick like a weapon.

"Caught you!" A tall young man, probably younger or the same age as him popped out of the bushes holding an injured cat. "There, there, Im not gonna hurt you, okay" The boy stood up, gently carrying the injured cat in his arms.

Wonwoo went closer to him to help, "Just hold him like that" He grabbed a small bandage in his pocket and put it on the wound.

The man smiled as he looked at the satisfied face that the cat was making. "So cute.." He chuckled. He then looked at Wonwoo "Ah, thank you for that"

"Yeah.." Wonwoo replied. "How did the cat get injured anyways?"

"Oh, this cat isnt mine. I was training hard and I saw this cat walk to me while limping. I tried gently talking to it but it ran so I chased it" The man explained.

"Alright.. Ill be going now" Wonwoo stated then started walking back to where he left the basket.

The man stood there dumbfounded, he looked around for a bit to see that he didnt know how to go back. "Um, excuse me!" He shouted.

Wonwoo looked back at him, "Yes?" He replied.

"I dont know how to go back, can you help me?"

"Sure, Ill just bring this back, follow me"

The man followed behind Wonwoo as he led the way back to his house. Wonwoo went inside the house, put the basket down and went to the man.

"Alright, lets go" Wonwoo stated. The two then started walking back to the kingdom

"Um.. Why do you live here? Also why are you holding that?"

"I dont belong in the kingdom so I can only bring you infront of the kingdom.." Wonwoo explained. "And this.. Is for snakes that is around" He pushed the young man aside and stabbed the snake that was about to attack them.

"Woah.." The man stared, amazed. "Thats so cool!"

"You have to be weary of snakes, or else they will attack you" Wonwoo continued walking. They finally reached their destination.

The man smiled widely and looked at Wonwoo, "May I have your name?" He asked.

"What for? Were only going to meet once"

The man shook his head, "I want you to teach me how to use a sword" He proposed. "I want to be a royal guard, but I dont know how to use a sword"

Wonwoo sighed, "Im Wonwoo.."


After that, Mingyu would come to Wonwoo's house and got lost everytime he does. They ended up creating a path so Mingyu can easily go in and out The forest.

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