Junhao 2

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"Would the baby like me? Im worried"

"Pssht, its not like its gonna speak up and judge your life choices, dont worry" Minghao tried comforting Jun. "What is that face?"

Minghao and Jun were on their way to see a long time friend of theirs. Their friend just became a father, they were coming over to visit. They brought some gifts for the baby, Jun was extremely worried.

"But...what if he did? Oh god, is he gonna judge me for mistaking you as Minghao..You are Minghao, but the other Minghao. Why did I even think of that?"

Minghao stared at him, dead in the eyes. "Youre an idiot" he sighed then continued walking.

"Yeah but im your idiot-"

"Shut up" Minghao knocked on the door. The door opened, it was their friend's wife.

"Honey! Minghao and Jun is here!" The wife smiled at them, "come in, im sorry if its a little messy, you know, a year old baby" she giggled.

"Oh, its fine, We understand, we brought gifts for you and also the baby" Minghao handed her shopping bags.

"Oh you didnt have to- Oh my, this is a bit expensiv- This is beautiful, you didnt have to"

"Jun! Minghao! Finally came to visit" Their friend greeted. "And you..Wow, you two are that successful now, huh"

"Honey look, this look good on me, right?" She asked while holding up the top to his chest. "This fits Zhen perfectly, thank you very much"

"Its the least we could do" Minghao smiled.

The baby was then heard crying. Their friend then rushed to the baby to calm him. The baby did stop crying. "Look whos being fussy"

"Aww, hes so cute" Minghao cooed. "Jun, youre being awfully quiet" He whispered to Jun.

"What? What am I supposed to say? If I said anything he might call me stupid"

"Yes you are Stupid" Minghao sighed,

"Zhenn, its your uncles" She carried her son.

"Hii" Minghao held the baby's hand.

"You can carry him if you want" She then let Minghao carry the baby.

"Aww hes so cutee"

"He'd grow up handsome, of course mother's genes" Jun added.

"Oh you two! Im flattered" She giggled, she noticed something on how Minghao carries her son. "Minghao, do you have any younger siblings?"

"No, Im an only child" Minghao answered.

"Oh really? You seem experienced holding a baby, gosh, you look like a mother" She complimented.

"Jun.." His friend nudges at Jun, raising his eyebrows.

"But..its impossible?" Jun whispered.

"You could always adopt, besides Zhen would be needing a playmate" His friend chuckled.

Jun and Minghao blushed, they didnt know what to say.

His friend's wife chuckled at the sight of the two boys. "Ahh, I miss the times when we were just like this" she swooned.

They stayed for awhile at their friend's house, catching up with stuff. After that, they said their goodbyes and went home.

"You know...Hui is a good boy name, or we could use Mingming for a girl" Jun blurted out.

"Wh-What are you suddenly saying?" Minghao was surprised.

"I mean, im suggesting baby names. So if we get a boy we name it Hui and Mingming if we get a girl. Oh! We could get both" Jun keeps talking, making Minghao more flustered.

"So you suddenly want a child?" Minghao asked.

"I suddenly liked the thought of you taking care of one" Jun shrugged.

"You know what.."

"Ah, youre probably disagreeing" Jun sighed.

"You give bad baby names, its just a rip off of our names" Minghao smiled. "No worries, Id also like a little Jun running around"

"But he doesnt look like me?"

"What, Huijun is a nice name and it still has Jun in its name"

"Youre a genius"

Another short Junhao oneshot. Sorry for not updating, I am that busy. I literally have no idea for a good-for-publish oneshot, but I have alot of ideas.

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