Verkwan 9

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[Cheered up a little, so heres a sad Verkwan 😀]

TW: i guess..mention of self-harm

"I just realized, I dont have an experience in dating"

"So? What does that have to do with me?"

"I figured I wanted to date you so I can have experience"

"Youre an asshole"

Seungkwan has been friends with Vernon since they were a child. They basically grew up together. In all those times together, Seungkwan had developed feelings for the boy. He kept it from Vernon for a long time, he may not have a chance to have Vernon but atleast hes still friends with him. He can endure the pain....or...he thinks he can.

Vernon would always tell Seungkwan about his crushes. The girls he wanted to date. Seungkwan would only feel jealous, but he tried not to let it show.

"Anyways, I always talk to you about my ideal types but you havent told me yours"

Seungkwan panicked for a bit, "O-Oh um...I want...someone whos easygoing and someone.." He stared at Vernon's face, "whos like a friend to me"

"Ahh, I see. That kind of girl really fits you" Vernon patted Seungkwan's shoulder. He then suddenly froze, his eyes trailed someone.

Seungkwan turned around to see who it was, Vernon's crush, Jiyeon. He felt pain on his chest, once again, Vernon's eyes were set on someone other than him.

"Seungkwan! What did I told you? Stop doing that to yourself!" Seungkwan's older friend, Jeonghan scolded him. "Seungkwannie.." He cupped the younger's face.

Seungkwan couldnt hold his tears, it started flowing out without him even knowing. "Im sorry, hyung" He sniffled. The older pulled him into a big hug.

"It pains me seeing Seungkwannie like this.." Jihoon sighed as he flipped to the next page of the book hes reading.

Seokmin held Seungkwan's hand carefully, "Seungkwannie, listen" He wiped the tears off of the younger's face. "Instead of..doing..that. Why dont you just draw flowers on your wrist?"

"Yeah, youre good at drawing flowers. Its based off of Hanahaki disease, isnt it?" Jeonghan asked.

Seokmin nodded, "That way, you have little beautiful flowers on your wrist rather than wounds" He smiled.

Seungkwan stopped harming himself and instead drew little flowers on his wrist whenever he felt heartbroken. He had been doing it for months now, his left arm was almost full.

One day, his most feared nightmare came true. Vernon approached him, a big smile on his face.

"Seungkwan! Guess what, I asked Jiyeon on a date..and she said yes" Vernon gladly announced.

Seungkwan felt his heart shatter, he forced himself to smile even though it hurts. "Thats great, huh? You finally got the girl of your dreams"

"I know, god im so happy right now"

"I bet you dont need me anymore.." Seungkwan muttered to himself. "Im happy for you"

"Thank you, bro..I gotta go now, Ill see you later" Vernon then runs off, leaving Seungkwan alone and heartbroken.

Seungkwan hurriedly ran to the bathroom, from there, he started sobbing. "I knew it...I know this day would come.." He sniffled, he dropped down on his knees. "But why am I still hurt?"

Something fell off of his bag, a black mascara and a sharp blade. He stared at the items for a moment. He reached for the blade but controlled himself and grabbed the mascara. He draw a huge flower on his face as he continued to sob.

"I know! If I were you I shouldv-" Someone came in and saw Seungkwan on the floor, luckily it was Jeonghan and the others. "Seungkwan, Oh my god.." Jeonghan rushed beside Seungkwan. "You look like a mess, what happened?"

"He...He got what he wanted" Seungkwan sobbed. He buried his face on his hyung's shoulder. Jeonghan didnt care that Seungkwan's mascara might stain his shirt.

Jihoon looked away, he furrowed his eyebrows in frustration. "Im sick of that guy..Look, we'll move on, forget about him! He has his dream girl, right? Stop hanging out with him, cut all of your ties with him, never interact with him again" Jihoon snapped, he couldnt help it, he hates seeing his friends miserable.

"Hyung, thats too much, He and Seungkwan go way back, thats hard to-"

"No..Hyung's right" Seungkwan cut off. "I should move on.."

Jeonghan sighed, "I cant force you to do that, stay at home until you get better...You dont need to worry about everything, we'll still pay you a visit"

"Thanks Hyung"

Seungkwan locked himself in his room for a few weeks. He would still eat properly but only when his friends come over. They were worried about Seungkwan's eating habits, they made an agreement to visit Seungkwan atleast 4 times a week.

"Hyung, youre Seungkwan's friend right? Why is he absent lately?" Vernon asked Jeonghan, he noticed that Seungkwan suddenly disappeared, the day he announced he got a girlfriend.

"Oh, dont worry hes just sick"

"I wanna visit him, Wh-"

"No you cant" Jihoon cut Vernon off. He was glaring at him the whole time.

Jeonghan pulled off a sweet smile, "Just leave it to us. We'll tell Seungkwan you said hi" He gave Vernon a pat on the shoulder before leaving with the others.


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