ships crack 3

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Seungkwan, being annoying as fuck with Hansol.

Hansol: Oh, my god. Can you stop? Im trying to read a book
Seungkwan: Youve been reading that book for an hour. Pay attention to me..
Hansol:Keep this up or ill kiss you on the lips.
Seungkwan, blushing: Wh-What?
Hansol: What?


Hansol, jamming out: If you stand for nothing what do you fall for?
Seungkwan: Id fall for you.


Seungkwan: You know, Ive been feeling this wierd....feeling in my stomach..
Minghao: Butterflies 💫
Wonwoo: Indigestion -_-


Jun: Bro, Im so fucking angry. I just confessed to my crush and he only replied with "word"
Joshua, wheezing: Bro, im so sorry....But that was really fucking funny....but that was sad for you bro

Jeonghan, while sipping his tea: So, I heard a lot of noise last night. Who's the top?
Mingyu: [Chokes and Blushes]
Wonwoo: [Snarls]
Jeonghan: So you then, Wonwoo?
Mingyu: Its actually me..
Wonwoo: Mingyu!


Seungcheol: So Chan, would you mind putting the angel on top of the christmas tree?
Chan: Ok! [Puts Jeonghan on top of the tree]

Hansol, giving Seungkwan a back hug then patting his belly: It looks like your pregnant, Boo.
Seungkwan: for the last time Sol, Im not a woman. I cant get pregnant.
Hansol: aw shucks, well maybe we should try?
Seungkwan, blushing: Youre an idiot

Seungkwan: I cant imagine anyone having a crush on me

Hansol: I can

Seungkwan: Well obviously someone has a crush on you! Even when they just saw you. Look at you, youre so handsome and kind and sweet and caring and cute-

Hansol: I meant someone who have a crush on you

Seungkwan: Really? Tell me who!

Hansol:Ehhh, itd make things awkward for me

Seungkwan: Its you....isnt it?


Mingyu: When your best friend gets married

Minghao: Gyu! Were just holding hands!

Mingyu: WhEn YoUr bEsT fRiEnD gEt mArRiEd
Mingyu: 3 hours and 58 minutes til' I get reunited with my Wonu!

Jihoon: I wanna vomit

Jun: Ew, take your lovey dovey nonsense elsewhere

Jeonghan: Please think of the children here

[Thats all I found GAGSHSF sorry if its short. Ill update later. But anyway TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY :DD]

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