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"Where is she?" I slammed my fist on the receptionist's desk.

"S-shes in surgery r-right now sir. We c-can't let you see h-her," she stammered over her words. "The driver is in room 26 if you would like to see him w-while you wait."

I didn't say anything more to her and made my way to Kade's room. He was sitting in bed fiddling with his fingers. There was a small bandaid above his left eyebrow and he had a sling on his right arm. Other than that, it looked like he wasn't even hit.

"What the fuck happened, Kade?"

He looked like he was about to break down. "Our light was green. I was the first car in our lane and I went. Some guy ran a red and hit Amara on impact," he said, trembling.

"It wasn't your fault Kade. Is the man who hit you here? I need to speak with him."

"I don't know. I think he got out of his car and ran after the accident. I think it was on purpose."

Before I could respond I heard yelling from the hallway, "Page Dr. Adams now!" A nurse ran by Kade's door. "We need more blood in OR-2 stat!"

More yelling. Car accident. Major blood loss. Signs of internal bleeding. Concussion. Large glass wound in the abdomen. Dislocated shoulder. Collapsed lung. So much commotion. My vision was starting to get blurry.

"Lucian you need to sit down," a familiar voice spoke.

I was brought back by the sound of Gabe. "How the hell did you find out about this?" I asked, confused.

"Sandra told me. Adrian is on his way. Again, you need to sit down. She will pull through."

The thing is, I wasn't worried if she would pull through. I was angry at myself. The last words I spoke to her were out of anger. I didn't want her to die hating me. I didn't want her to die at all.

I walked over to a seat and waited for any signs of her to be awake. There was more commotion outside of Kade's room, but it seemed to dial down. I could hear the whispers of a few surgeons.

"The fact that she pulled through that is a miracle," the man said. "She is the luckiest patient we've had in a while."

"I know. She was a fighter," the woman agreed.

"Did you see the man who came in here looking for her? You think that's her husband? It's not on her file."

I rose from my seat and walked to the door. She made it. "I'm her husband. Where is she?"

They looked taken aback and slightly suspicious, but answered anyways, "I'm sorry sir we can't let you see her until she has had more time to recover."

My temper rose, "But I'm-"

Gabe cut me off, "We'll wait. Thank you." He lead me back into the room, "you need to calm down. This is a public hospital, not one crowded by our staff."

He was right. I nodded and rubbed my eyes. Gabe smirked and shook his head.

"You don't have to deny it Lucian."

"Deny what?" I met his gaze.

"That you like her. It's quite obvious. The fact that you even showed up here proved it." He rose his eyebrows, "There was another guy out there asking for her. Sebastian, I think his name was?"

"Her friend. He's the one who told me about the accident."

Gabe nodded, "The more you deny your feelings Lucian, the more you push her away. I know that the night we left the ball she wasn't shaken up because of killing someone. She's done that all her life. It was because of something you did."

"I don't have feelings for her," I denied.

He sighed, "Whatever man. You're digging your own grave."

Eventually, visiting hours were over and I had to sit in the waiting room. I hated this. I hated feeling like this. She made me feel things I've never felt. Ever. And I hated it.

The waiting room had a few other people in it. One man with a little girl. There was a ring on his finger. Probably waiting for his wife. A woman. She had no ring but looked like she hadn't slept for days. Maybe family.

There was another man. He was sitting across from me tapping away at his phone. He didn't look remorseful at all. I felt like I had seen him before, but I couldn't pin point it. I grew a little suspicious.

"Mr. Moretti, you can see your wife now," a nurse said to me.

I rose from my seat immediately and followed the nurse. She opened the door to her room and closed it after I walked in. It felt weird to hear the nurse saying my wife. I shook the thought off and made my way to her bed.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. She was covered in scars. A ventilator was attached to her body. Her skin was pale, and even though I could see her breathing, it looked like she was on her death bed.

I didn't know what to do. I called Gabe.

"Is she awake?" He asked.

"No, but I'm allowed to see her. Can you take over while I'm gone?"

"You got it. Think about what I said Lucian."

I hung up the phone and sighed. Grabbing a chair, I pulled it over and sat next to her. Her breathing was steady and she seemed stable. I reached out and put my hand on hers. For a split second, I thought she tried to grab it, but that feeling went away almost immediately.

I leaned my head back in the chair and tried to fall asleep.

C H I C A G O, 12:31 P.M.

"Boss, this is going to be a lot harder than we initially thought."

"Do tell me why," I sneered.

"The Cobra, he has feelings for her. He's still here at the hospital waiting for her to wake up. He gave control to his second hand."

I almost gripped my phone so hard it would break, "of course. You can't get near her?"

"No. A group of security guards just got here. She's under protection." He paused for a moment. "The reason she got hit was because The Cobra wasn't in the car. It was just her."

"You think I don't know that, you dumbass? We need to be more careful next time," I sighed, "did they get the letter?"

"Yes, they will have to show Amara to decipher it. She's the only one who will understand. I do have more news though. He's looking for another personal assistant."

I cursed at myself. "She must be under even more protection."

"Rachel was going to apply for it. She would grow closer to him that way," my rat informed me.

"That's a good idea. Keep me informed," I said as I hung up the phone.

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