Chapter One

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     Taylor's POV
It was a cold, rainy fall night. I got up and started to get ready for work , I work night shift so I tend to make a lot more tips if I dress up more.  I arrive at work and this guy walks in, he's one of my regulars that come in every night . "Hey gorgeous" he would say every time he came in.
Well this night was different a new guy walked in the door and he caught my eye. He had dark hair and green eyes and he wore a suit. He was mysterious and made me wonder.

He walked up to the bar and had a seat. "What will you be having sir?" I asked. "Bourbon on the rocks." He said to me. I wanted to know more about him so I continued talking with him "You're not from around here are you?" He looked at me with a small grin. "What gave that away?" He says. "People around here don't normally wear a suit into the bar." I laughed.    "I'm here on business sweetheart nothing more." He smiled. "Well we don't normally see a lot of men come in here like you but by the looks of it you're a very powerful man I must say." He laughs at me. "Yes, I do own a few businesses here and there sweetheart but you don't pass as the kind of girl who'd get herself into the type of business I deal with." He says.

I looked at him and laughed "How would you know what I can deal with or handle?" He chuckles. "Well sweetheart by the looks of what you're wearing at a place like this you don't seem to get out much" I start to get angry and disgusted by this man judging me from how I dress when he doesn't even know who I am and why I dress the way I do. "And I can tell by what you're wearing you normally don't get told no by women. do you?"

He looks up at me and gives a devilish smile. "That's very true sweetheart,  I don't get told no often because I tend to get what I want and I have my ways to getting whatever  I shall desire." I roll my eyes and leave to get his drink, as I walk back over I see he is joined by another man that's also wearing a suit. "Here's your drink sir, shall I get anything for your friend?"

His friend looks at me and says "My name is Derek and I'll have the same as my friend here." "Thank you, what was your name again I don't think I quite caught that?" He says to me. I looked at him with a small smile. "I'll be right back with your friends drink." I walk away.

Jaxson's POV

   I walked into a bar after a long meeting at one of my clubs. I see this woman wearing a flannel over a tank top and jeans, she heads over to me and asks me what I'd like to drink. We have a small conversation and she brings me my drink. My good friend Derek whom I share one of my clubs with joins me at the bar.
She asks Derek what he would like to drink. Derek orders same thing as I do. I looked at her. "Thank you, what was your name again I don't think I quite caught that?" She  looked at me with a smirk. "I'll be right back with your friends drink." And she walked away.
"So Derek how are things at the club since I've been busy dealing with the others? I'm sure you've kept it running in good hands I hope." He looks at me. "You should know this by now that the club is always in good hands I do have you to thank on that now don't I?"  He laughs.
As I take a sip of my drink. "And how is the upstairs running?" "Well I must say we could use more help upstairs in the ladies department." I smile. "I may be able to help with that. It just so happens that I have my eyes on someone who could use a little shake up in her life."  "Well then if you have someone in mind don't let me stop you from persuading her to join in on a whole new set of possibilities." As he grabs his drink and pats my shoulder. He looks back at me and says "Good luck."

Taylor's POV

   I walked back over to them as his friend Derek walks away as I hear him say "Good luck." "So I couldn't help but over hear. You need help at one of your clubs. I'm actually wanting to leave this small town and I'm pretty good at bartending and waitressing if you just happen to need any help." I smiled softly.

     He looks at me and smirks. "Well sweetheart I don't take you to be the  kind of girl who would bartend or waitress at this kind of club." I look at him. "You really think just because I like to wear flannels. I wouldn't be able to handle bartending or waitressing at your club." He smiles. "Alright then if you think you can truly handle it meet me at Nashville airport no later than 9am sharp and don't be late." I look at him concerning as the excitement builds up in my body I calmly say "I will be there" He says looking at me. "Oh and don't worry about packing all your belongings, you won't need many of those where were going."

I look at him suspiciously. "Umm okay? And why won't I be needing my belongings. Can you at least tell me why I shouldn't bring them?" He grin's devilishly. "You will just have to wait and see sweetheart." He gets up to leave. "If I'm going anywhere with you can you at least tell me your name." I say as I roll my eyes.

He stops at the door and looks at me with a smirk. "My name is Jaxson Hale but my friends call me Jax so don't get used to it too much sweetheart."

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