Chapter Four

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Taylor's POV

I pushed him off of me. "You don't get to do that again." I stormed off and headed home. I get home and put on my pjs and video call my best friend Angela from back home. She answers the phone and we talk about how my life is going here so far.

"Hey Angie how are things over there, if your not too busy it would be great if you could come visit me for a little while." I said with a smile. "Heyyy Taylor I miss seeing you here girl but how is it over there and I will have to check back with work but I could definitely come and visit you for a while." "Awesome, when you come down I'll be able to show you my new job." I say to her. "That sounds great Taylor I can't wait to see your new work place." I laugh.

"Well I haven't really seen much of it either but once I get to work I'll tell tell you more about it. Oh and did I tell you how I even got this job?"she looks at me with a smile. "Now that you mention it I don't think you did." She laughs. "Well it was when I was working in Oliver's bar remember and I met a man called Jaxson who offered me a way out of Tennessee so I took it and he gave me a job here."

She looks at me concerned. " Taylor are you sure you made the right choice I mean I'm happy you are finally out of this town but taking a job from a random man I mean that's a little crazy even for you." I smile. "Yes, it is kind of crazy I know but I actually like it here and I met this other man named Trevor, and it turns out he's Jax's old friend before they had a falling out." She looks at me and smiles. "Well your making new friends wonderfully, are they both handsome." She asks me. "Yes they both are ridiculously handsome but I don't think I'm ready for a man in my life."

"Ooo girl, by the look on your face someone made an important impact on your life. Which one was it? And tell me more!!!" She jumps up and down with excitement. "Well to be honest Trevor was sweet but I feel a friendship vibe with him but with Jaxson..." I stop and start thinking of him and I blush. " But with Jaxson I feel something and i don't know what exactly this feeling is. Like I seen him at the club with another girl and I got so damn angry at him. How can I be angry at him he's not mine?" I look at Angie.

"The last time you felt that way it was with Archie. Taylor you have to be able to fall in love again not saying your in love with this guy but you must really like him if your getting jealous over him being with other girls." She said to me. "So there's something else...." I start to say. " What is tell me?" She said cutting me off.

I laughed at her. "as I was saying Jaxson got angry after a disagreement with Trevor about what.. that i don't know but when I went to leave he followed me out of the club and he pulled me close and he kissed me." She smiles in excitement. "oh my gosh Taylor he totally wants you like for sure." I smile. "Angela" I say as I blush. "I think he just did it out of spite." She looks at me. "Well I got to get off here girl you can tell me more later, okay."
I say goodbye to Angie and hang up my phone and I head to bed.


Taylor's POV

   I wake up and get dressed. I grab some breakfast and head to the clothing store. I decide to upgrade my wardrobe so I pick out a few crop tops, some new jeans, and a few new dresses that I've never worn before. As I leave the store I bump into Jaxson as I walk out the door. He looks at me. "So Taylor what are you doing at a store like this, shopping for new clothes are we." 

   I look at him and smile. " well hello to you too Mr Hale. If you must know I am upgrading my wardrobe for work." I said as I roll my eyes at him. "Well I can't wait to see your new wardrobe choice tonight Ms. Montgomery." He says to me as he smiles. I think to myself wow he looks really handsome in his suit. I look at him. "Don't hold your breath, I thank you for getting me this job but that does not mean I belong to you." He looks at me and smirks. "Well I have a few more stops to make before work tonight so if you'll excuse me" I said as I turned and walked away.

Jaxson's POV

As I walk around the corner I bump into Taylor as she walks out the door. I look at her. "So Taylor what are you doing at a store like this, shopping for new clothes are we."  I say to her as she walks out.

   She looked at me and smiled. "Well hello to you too Mr Hale. If you must know I am upgrading my wardrobe for work." She said as she rolled her eyes at me. I think to myself.. God I love when she rolls her eyes at me. One day I'll be the cause of her eye roll... "Well I can't wait to see your new wardrobe choice tonight Ms. Montgomery." I said to her with a smile. She looks at me and says. "Don't hold your breath, I want to thank you for getting me this job but that does not mean I belong to you." I look at her and smirk. "Well I have to make a few more stops before work tonight so if you'll excuse me." She said as she walked away.

     I look at her as she walks away and think to myself.... I don't know how I'm feeling, but what I do know is that I want to kiss her till I can't kiss her no more... like when I kiss her I want her to feel like the world stops spinning. I turn and head back to my place to shower and get ready for tonight.

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