Chapter Two

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Jaxson's POV

I waited at the airport for her. I just realized she never told me her name. Well it looks like I'll be finding that out soon. As I reach to get my phone I look up and see a car pulling up. She gets out and tells the driver which I'm guessing is her friend goodbye.

I look at her up and down with a slight smile. I notice she's wearing jeans and a nice shirt that compliments her curves very delicately. "I see you decided to were something other than a flannel today." She gives me a small smile. "Well I did say don't judge me because I wear flannels. I like to wear them."  She said to me.

  I looked at her with a surprised look. "Are you ready to go then, but first can I ask for your name. I mean you know mine but I'd like to know yours."  She says "My name is Taylor Montgomery" "Well it's finally nice to know your name Ms. Montgomery." I say as we head towards the jet.

   She smiles and ask me. "Is there a certain seat that I have to sit in or does it matter." "Just have a seat anywhere you'd like." I say back to her as I sit down across from her. "So are you sure your up for this, you can always change your mind but once we leave there's no turning back." I ask her.

Taylor's POV

    As I get on the plan and have a seat he looks at me and asks.  "So are you sure your up for this, you can always change your mind but once we leave there's no turning back." I look out the small window. "Yes I'm sure. I need more to my life than a small town."

      As the jet takes us to Los Angeles, California. I look at the beautiful clouds. "So is your friend Derek gonna be there as well." He looked at me. "Yes he will be there. Why do you ask?" "Oh no reason. He seems really nice." "He may seem really nice but I don't think he's what your looking for." He said back to me. "And how would you know of what I'm looking for?" "Well let's just say that Derek isn't your typical nice guy in the real world" "Well I never said I was looking for a nice guy now did I." I say back to him.

   A few hours pass and I look over and see him looking at his phone. "So what's got you all quite, dealing with some business are you?" He raises his eyes and looks at me. "As a matter of fact I am dealing with some business Ms. Montgomery and it certainly does not concern you." I roll my eyes and head to the restroom.

     I wash my hands and walk back to my seat, as I am walking back there is a turbulence with the jet and I trip and land into his lap. He drops his phone and looks up at me. "Well Isn't this a sight for sore eyes wouldn't you say sweetheart." I blush and sit in my seat. "I apologize for that." "it's fine just don't make it a habit all the time I don't need a clumsy person driving out all my loyal customers now do I." He says.
I blush and smile. "I'm usually not this clumsy."

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓙𝓮𝓽 𝓛𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓼

     As we get off the jet. I look at him. "And where am i supposed to be staying?" He smiles at me. "You will be staying at one of my penthouses. I have plenty of room." I am taken back by what he says. "Are you sure? I don't wanna intrude." He shakes his head. "No I insist you can have the whole penthouse to your self. I'll see you tomorrow at 9pm for your first shift." As he hands me a piece of paper with an address on it. He looks at me. "I can give you a ride there if you need me too." I give a small smile. "I can get a cab but thank you." I get in a cab and head to the address.  

     When I arrive at the address I see a big beautiful building. I head inside and I'm treated at the door. "Ma'am can I help you." A beautiful woman ask me. "I am moving into the penthouse,I suppose." "Oh you must be Taylor Montgomery then." She says. I look at her with a smile. "Yes, that's me." "Mr. Hale called last night to let us know of your arrival, right this way madam." I grab my bag and follow the nice woman as she takes me up to the penthouse I couldn't help but think about Jax and why he would do such a nice thing for someone like me. We arrive at the penthouse and as we walk in I couldn't help but notice the beautiful staircase and the amazing view from the balcony. I smile at the woman. "Thank you for your help ma'am." "Oh it was no issue of course Ms. Montgomery, just ring that bell if you need anything at all and someone will be right up." She says to me. I look over at the bell and look back at her thank you again. As the woman leaves I began unpacking my things. I decide to head out into the town to get a view of everything when I come across this man.
       He looks at me as we walk past each other. "Hello miss" he says to me. "Well hello to you too Mr, I'm sorry what was your name?" I laugh. "My name is Trevor and what is your name?" I smile sweetly. "My name is Taylor." Well it's nice to meet you Ms. Taylor." Trevor smiled at me. "It's nice to meet you too Trevor." "Well I'm going to this club around the corner,  would you like to join me?" I smile and think to myself. Well I might as well make new friends in a new city. I look at him. "Well I don't really have anything club material to wear." He smiles devilishly. "Don't worry, I might be able to help you with that."

𝓟𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓔𝓶𝓫𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓮 Where stories live. Discover now