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The kitchen of Grimmauld place was filled to the brim as everybody sat at the table for dinner, Molly, as usual, was juggling different things, there was chopping going at the corner, there was water boiling at the stove, there was chicken in the oven getting roasted. Charlie was sitting on the table, her head in her palms as she tried her hardest not to fall asleep, the twins had locked themselves in the room, not allowing anyone in. Charlie couldn't be bothered asking them what they were doing, so now sat beside Sirius was talking animately to Lupin who was sitting across him, Thomas was still at the ministry, he was on guard duty of some sort. Ginny who was on the other side of Charlie leaned into her, she was also trying her hardest not to fall asleep into her drink. They had spent the past few days trying to clean the infected house, doxies and all other kinds of pests had made it their home, boggarts were found hidden everywhere. 

"FRED!GEORGE! STOP WITH THE EXPLOSIONS. Honestly!!" Molly screamed at the top of her voice which caused both Ginny and Charlie to jump, Sirius chuckled at the flustered state of both the girls.

"Don't laugh at our misery," Charlie said to the older man. Over the few days of knowing Sirius, she enjoyed his company thoroughly, he had given them the house tour and they had spent hours talking about his days at Hogwarts. 

"Why are you so tired?" Remus asked, he wasn't at the house for the day, so didn't know anything.

"We are spending our days cleaning the doxy infested curtains which are bloody stubborn," Charlie said as Ginny slept on her shoulder.

"The blasted sorry excuse of a house-elf hasn't done anything to keep the house clean," Sirius said, it was true, Kreacher had been throwing glares at everyone and muttering things under his breath. 

"Oh-Severus, come," Molly said a little confused as if she didn't know what Severus what doing here, Charlie narrowed her eyes at Snape, besides her Sirius stiffened, Snape gave everyone the dirtiest look she had ever seen.

"What's Snivellus doing here?" Sirius said loudly, Charlie couldn't help but snort quickly hiding behind a rather unconvincing cough, he was angry beyond fuming, Remus was trying his best to stay calm and make sure Sirius didn't do anything rash.

"Ah, Black, what a delight," Snape gave a nasty look to Sirius who was ready to pound if Remus wasn't there.

"What are you doing here, Death Eater?" Sirius asked. Charlie looked between Sirius and Snape, everyone at the school had their doubts about Snape being a death eater but no one knew if the rumours were true. 

"You would know a lot about Death Eaters, wouldn't you Black? Seeing your entire family's part of the gang," Snape said, Sirius launched at Snape, his fist almost hitting Snape if it wasn't for Arthur and Remus pulling him off.


"What about Carrow then? Weren't you and her involved?"


Oblivious to the commotion downstairs, Fred and George continued to experiment with different ideas they had over the past few days, they had found out a way to deliver their products to everyone. They had been making quite good progress and were making a hefty amount, the amount Harry had given them had helped them tremendously, there was a shop in Diagon Alley on which they had their eyes set on. They both didn't notice the series of knocks on their doors until someone entered, Charlie had her hands on her hips, her eyes narrowed, she looked dangerously close to her father. They both gave her a mischievous grin.

"You two have spent the last two days being cooped up in your rooms, I and Ginny have to do all the house cleaning, and for heaven's sake Ron's practically useless,"

"HEY!!" came Ron's offended yell from downstairs.

"Sorry, love, just got a bit busy," Fred said, the grin still on his face.

"Yeah, I can see that, now get your butts up, dinners ready," Charlie said before walking to Fred and kissing his cheek, he hadn't expected that which resulted in his ears and cheeks turning bright pink.

"Oh, look I made Fred blush,"  

Charlie exited the room with a smile on her face, George gave his twin a smirk, he had never seen him like that, so smitten, and it made him very happy, he was happy that they had found someone who understood them, understood the passion they had for all the stuff they did. 

"Freddie's in love," George said in a sing-song voice, Fred looked at his brother, his eyes wide but he didn't say anything, love was a huge thing for him, a big commitment, but he couldn't be sure, he had never been in love before.

"I might be, Georgie, how can I be sure she's too?"

"You don't but she's got that look in her eyes....you know?"

"Hermione...thank god you're here,"

Ginny yelled as she pushed past everyone and went to hug Hermione, Remus who had brought her smiled at the interaction before leaving the kids alone, Charlie smiled as she watched a huge grin appear on Ron's face. He had been miserable without Harry and Hermione but now that one of them was here, he seemed much brighter than before, it had been a while since she had sent Ainsley or Luna any letter. A few scattered letters weren't enough for the two best friends, George, even though he didn't show seemed miserable without Ainsley. She smiled as the familiar smell of gunpowder and cinnamon engulfed her, Fred, rested his chin on her head and wrapped his arms around her as they watched Hermione and Ron hug, a little longer than everyone.

"Ah, young love," Sirius exclaimed from the doorway, Ron and Hermione turned bright pink, and unknown to her, Fred also turned pink slightly.

"What's the problem, Fred? Are you hot?" Bill asked from where he was standing, a sly grin on his face. 

"N-no, I am fine, I think I might go to sleep early," Fred said awkwardly before leaving the room.

"What's his problem?" Charlie said as she watched her boyfriend walk away.

"Nothing," George said. He gave Charlie a smile before wrapping an arm around her shoulder and walked towards the living room, there was an order meeting in the kitchen, Dumbledore was going to come along with a few more people. Willy was supposed to come, he was running a little late, apparently. George and Charlie took seats opposite of each other, Ron, Ginny and Hermione sat on different armchairs, talking amongst themselves.

"So, what's up with you and Ainsley?" Charlie asked it was something she had been meaning to talk to George, they definitely liked each other, social norms were a constraint. 

"I don't know...Charlie...he's you know, I do like him...I had this conversation with Fred too, he said I shouldn't care about anyone other than our parents," 

"He's right, you shouldn't....but one thing, I love Ainsley, he's my best friend, he's very important to me...I will kill you if you break his heart, he may look heartless but he's a big baby inside," George chuckled, Charlie moved closer to him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"I am scared, Char, what if mum and dad don't except me, what if Ainsley doesn't like me back," Charlie frowned, she pressed a kiss to the top of his head.

"Don't worry, so much, Georgie, your mum and dad are the kindest people I know and Ainsley...he likes you, I know he does," 

AN: SOOooooo!!! A new character, Asteria Carrow. Almost is never enough. I hope you would love that story as well. Please show that story the same love you have shown Candy Crush <3

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