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The Old Potions book

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The Old Potions book

"What do you reckon the first task is?"

Fred, George, Ainsley and Charlie were walking down towards the stadium, they had their jackets and hats on as the weather was getting closer by the day, Charlie and Fred were walking close to each other, she could feel their hands touching ever so often and she was thankful for the cold weather. Angelina was walking behind them with Alicia and Katie by her side and ever so often Charlie could hear giggling from the girls and something told her that they were laughing at her.

"What's the matter?" Fred asked.

"I don't think Angelina likes me too much," Fred looked behind them to see Angelina's eyes narrowed at Charlie but she smiled as soon as she saw Fred watching her. Fred couldn't believe Angelina, she was one of his friends and for the years they had known each other he had never seen Angelina behave like this.

"Just ignore them," Fred said as he grabbed her hand and pulled them towards Ainsley and George who were walking ahead of them.

"Did you hear about the new candy The Wonka Company is going to release?" George asked as Ainsley and Charlie exchanged a glance and this wasn't missed by Fred.

"The paper candy?" Fred asked.

"Yes, it's genius, isn't it? The flavour changes according to our mood,"

"I wonder what the flavours will be?" Fred said thoughtfully.

"We have got to find this person, Willy Wonka,"

"Why...why do you want to find Willy Wonka?"

"He's like one of the greatest confectioners of all times,"

"Ladies and Gentlemen, now the unexpected champion, Harry Potter, Hogwarts second champion,"

The loud noise rang through the stadium as Harry entered the stadium, whether it was friendly or not there was no way of telling, Charlie watched as Harry timidly made his way into the stadium and looked around to see his dragon, the Hungarian Horntail. The dragons were brought to England from Romania and according to Fred and George, their brother, Charlie was on the team which brought the dragons.

The dragon was at the other end of the enclosure, crouched low over her clutch of eggs, her wings half-furled, her evil, yellow eyes upon him, a monstrous, scaly, black lizard, thrashing her spiked tail, leaving yard-long gouge marks in the hard ground.

"Accio Firebolt," Harry shouted from his spot. Charlie thought that his spell hadn't worked and so, did the many people in the stands as they waited for something to happen. And then it happened the firebolt made its way through the air and behind him. The crowd made more noise as the broomstick soared into the enclosure and stood beside him.

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