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Return To Home

Usually, the morning of September 1st was chaotic for Thomas and Charlie but now that the Weasley's were added in the mix, it was chaotic, it was madness, everybody was shouting on top of others. Mrs Weasley was running from room to room tending to her kids' demands, Ginny was shouting for her favourite top, Ron was stuffing some last-minute stuff in his trunk, Fred and George were trying to levitate their trunk. Thomas, Charlie, Sirius, Tonks and Remus were sitting in the living room watching the madness around her, it was ballistic watching Mrs Weasley juggle so many things at once. She was going to and fro from the kitchen(where she was preparing sandwiches for everyone) to everybody's room, Charlie sighed as she looked over Thomas who was reading the Daily Prophet.

"I am getting tired watching her do all the work," Tonks said from where she was sitting beside Charlie, she was disguised as an old woman with tightly curled grey hair and a purple hat shaped like a porkpie.

"Yeah, you'd fall a million times before doing any work," Sirius said, Tonks made a sound showing her offence before shrugging and excepting the truth, Charlie laughed as Sirius brought his hand up for a hi-fi. Her trunk and Astoria's cage were by the wall ready and packet, her satchel was in her lap, her journal in there along with the food she had packed for the journey, she was quite excited to see Ainsley and Luna again.  

As Harry was supposed to go under the protection of Tonks and Sturgis Pudmore who was still not there, Ron and Hermione were supposed to be with Moody and Fred, George and Ginny were with Lupin while Charlie was being dropped by Thomas, as usual. 

There was a lot of commotion in the house, Fred and George had bewitched their trunks to fly downstairs to save the bother of carrying them, with the result that they had hurtled straight into Ginny and knocked her down two flights of stairs into the hall; Mrs Black and Mrs Weasley were both screaming at the top of their voices. 



Thomas rolled his eyes before looking Charlie who was shaking her head quietly;

"Are you sure you want to be with him?" He asked. Charlie chuckled before whispering a yes. 

"Time to change, I guess," Sirius said as he got up and stretched his arms before transforming into a large black dog which was happily wagging his tail.

"Oh Sirius, you've got ticks," Charlie said as she petted the dog. Sirius, the dog barked at her before he started furiously scratching his ear. Charlie pulled her wand out before waving it around, in mere seconds Sirius's fur was covered in bubbles, he gave a bark and lick of appreciation as he was clean and tick free within seconds.

"WILL YOU LOT GET DOWN HERE NOW, PLEASE!" Mrs Weasley shouted at the remaining people who were supposed to be down, Mrs Black's portrait was howling with rage but nobody was bothering to close the curtains over her; all the noise in the hall was bound to rouse her again anyway.

"Harry, you're to come with me and Tonks," shouted Mrs Weasleyover the repeated screeches of "MUDBLOODS! SCUM! CREATURES OF DIRT!"

"Leave your trunk and your owl, Alastor's going to deal with the luggage. . . . Oh, for heaven's sake, Sirius, Dumbledore said no!"

Harry, Mrs Weasley, Sirius and Tonks were the first one to leave, Moody came in a few minutes later and left with Ron and Hermione along with everybody's luggage, Thomas and Charlie left immediately after Moody while Remus and the other were yet to leave. Thomas had a tight grip on Charlie's hand for the twenty minutes walk which they had to do, he tried to keep it as casual as possible but still kept his eye on people. Charlie on the other hand was enjoying the September sunlight, she could see Ron and Hermione in the distance along with a limping Moody, who had a hat to hide his mismatching eyes. 

Once inside the station they lingered casually beside the barrier between platforms nine and ten until the coast was clear, then each of them leaned against it in turn and fell easily through onto platform nine and three quarters, where the Hogwarts Express stood belching sooty steam over a platform packed with departing students and their families. Charlie inhaled the familiar smell and felt ger spirits soar, her eyes immediately searched for either Luna or Ainsley but she knew she had to wait until and after the Head meeting, she had yet to know what was the Head Boy. 

"Dad, I have to hurry, the meeting is in a few minutes," Charlie said, Thomas gave a sniff as he hugged Charlie tightly and whispered goodbye before pressing a kiss on top of her head. Charlie wiped a fallen tear before walking over at Mrs Weasley and Sirius who were standing with Harry, Mrs Weasley gave a sob before hugging her in a death grip hug. She only left her when Sirius barked, Charlie bent down in front of Sirius, who was wagging his tail and petted his head.

"Take care! Oh, I am going to miss you. Don't worry; I'll try to keep an eye on Harry, weekly updates, I remember," 

Charlie smiled as she straightened her uniform and her badge before she gave everyone a last nod and wave in Thomas's direction before disappearing into the train, Astoria's cage and her satchel bag in her arms. The porter of the Hogwart's express greeted and congratulated her before returning to loading everybody's trunks into the storage carriage. Charlie walked towards the front of the train where they held the meetings; she took a deep breath before opening the door;

"Marcus Turner?"

"Densmore? So Ravenclaw Heads, congrats," he said with a small smile. Charlie was confused until last year Marcus was strutting around the castle, now the boy in front of her was different, he was timid, perhaps the death of Cedric had affected more people than she initially thought.

"Yeah, congrats, do you have the chart for the prefect rounds?" Charlie asked as she kept her satchel on the storage above their heads before tieing her hair in a ponytail, she could see Fred, George being crushed by Mrs Weasley as she grabbed them in a hug. They had yet to apologise to Ron and until then they were going to get the silent treatment from her.

"Come on, hurry up," Marcus said as he beckoned the prefects inside, some were older, some were new but everybody was familiar.

"Welcome, this is the Prefect's carriage, we will start the meeting in a few, we're waiting for the Slytherin prefects to arrive," Charlie said as she handed the prefects their chart. Hermione and Ron beamed as they took the chart from her and immediately went to whispering among themselves. 

"Please go through the chart, these are important," Marcus said just as the door opened; Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson stood by the door, an air of arrogance surrounding them as they looked down at the others.

"You are late," Charlie said as she raised an eyebrow.

"So?" Draco said with an inattentive shrug.

"Listen here Malfoy, you're a prefect, act accordingly, I can go and complaint against you. You'll be sacked from being a prefect and then there will be nothing your father can do about it,"

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