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Hogwarts is Safe!!

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Hogwarts is Safe!!

Nobody knew what had happened as everybody was called into the Great Hall immediately, everyone including the teachers was in their pyjamas. Charlie looked at the Twins who even though looked tired were smiling and laughing, they were with their family. The Monster of the Chamber, the basilisk, was defeated, Dumbledore was back, Gryffindor was awarded 400 points and they won the House Cup. 

"Considering everything which has happened over the past few days, the final exams will be cancelled," The sound of celebration which followed that sentence was deafening. 

As the feast continued Charlie and Ainsley were joined by the Twins whose smiles were bright as usual, they both were sporting red and gold pyjamas which had their initials on them.   

"Congrats for the second time House Cup," Charlie said as Fred joined her side while George sat opposite of her.

"Thank you," 

"Do you know what happened in the past few hours?" Ainsley asked as he took a bite of his chips.

"Ginny was taken into the Chamber,"


"Yeah, and to tell the story in short Harry and Ron saved Ginny and Hagrid was not the one who opened the chamber-"

"And Lockhart lost his memory,"


Fred and George explained how Ginny was possessed and how Harry was able to rescue her with the help of Gryffindors  

"How was Ginny possessed though?" Ainsley asked. 

"The Diary of Tom Riddle,"

"She used to write in it every day-"

"And he used to reply back-"

"That's very bizarre," 

While everybody was talking Charlie was looking at Fred, who was explaining Ainsley how Harry defeated the monster, Basilisk and how he sounded so serious, this was the first time she had seen him in such a serious mood. The twins were known for their chill attitude and taking everything jokingly but now it seemed like they had a caring and serious side, just not everyone was close enough to actually be able to see.

"What?" Fred asked as he caught her staring.


"No, tell me why are you staring, I mean, yeah, I am handsome and tall-" Fred grinned.

"Sod off," Charlie said as she took a sip of her butterbeer.

"I am handsome!!" Fred said as he followed her.

"I find George more handsome than you,"


"Yes, thank you,"

"Shut up, George,"

Deciding the time to use the time she had while the boys played some exploding snap, Charlie decided to write letters to her father and grandfather, while her father had been updated about the ongoings about the school, her grandfather was in complete darkness. After what happened at Christmas, there were very few exchanges between the pair. Charlie even wasn't able to concentrate on her candies because of the things going on in the school.

As she finished writing the letters she decided to complete the recipe she had started a few days ago, she was planning on making a liquid which when cooked along with food will make some random changes in each eater, like for one person the liquid will change hair colour, for others it will grow extra teeth, so on so forth. While it seemed at first that it would be difficult to make, Charlie was slowly but steadily coming closer to completing the concoction. 

"Look, Hagrid's back," Fred said as the Great Hall rumbled a little.

"Welcome back, Hagrid," George said as the half-giant made his way towards the head table.

"It's good to be back,"

The rest of the final term passed in a haze of blazing sunshine. Hogwarts was back to normal with only a few, small differences — Defense Against the Dark Arts classes were cancelled and Lucius Malfoy was sacked as the governer of Hogwarts. Soon it was time for everyone to return home for the summer. 

Charlie remembered the first encounter she had with the Twins as they sat with her almost the entire train journey when the school started and how much things changed. They became friends and even though Ainsley still became irritated with them, he liked having friends other than her. So as they sat under a tree on the grounds exchanging addresses before leaving to Hogsmeade, she felt a little better leaving the school, as she knew she had something to look forward to in the summer vacations.

"It's time to leave," Ainsley said as he got up dusting his pants.

"Wait for me, " George said as he too got up and made his way towards the castle.

"Are you planning on coming or-?" Fred asked as he grinned before offering Charlie a hand to get up.

"I am coming," Charlie said as she accepted Fred's hands and got up.

"Do you plan on writing me letters?" Fred asked as he wrapped his arm around pulling her with him as they walked towards the castle.

"No, I think I have had enough of you, don't you think?" Charlie laughed.

"It doesn't matter, I am still going to write letters to you and you have to reply,"

"What if I don't?"

"I have your address, I might drop you a visit sometime,"

"I think my dad would have a heart attack,"

London was approaching and Scotland was lagging behind as the Hogwarts express made its way back home, smiles grazed everybody's faces as they saw their parents eagerly waiting for them. As soon as the train stopped everybody got down and went to find their parents. Fred and George weren't too worried to find their parents, the red colour of their hair could be seen from anywhere. They got down followed by Charlie and Ainsley, who were looking for their parents, while Charlie's father was somewhere on the station, Ainsley's family was waiting for him outside the platform.

"My family is waiting for me, " Ainsley said as he hugged Charlie and waved goodbye to the twins walking away from them.

"Write to me," Charlie said.

"So, where is your father?" George asked.

"I don't see him," Charlie said as she raised herself on the tips of her toes.

"Did you see him?"

"Yes, there he is. Alright, bye, see you guys after the summer break," Charlie said.

  She waved them goodbye as she walked away from them and towards her father when there was a call of her name. Turning back she saw Fred making his way towards her as he carried a huge smile on his face. He stopped in front of her and bent before pressing a soft kiss on her cheek which took her by surprise but that didn't stop the smile from growing on her face.

"Don't miss me too much!!"   

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