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Unnatural Little Beasts

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Unnatural Little Beasts

"Fred, what are you doing? Spray that at once and throw it away!"

Charlie looked over at Fred who was holding a struggling doxy between his forefinger and thumb, she shook her head with a smile on her face as she sprayed her side of the curtains, she had never done this sort of stuff earlier. 

"Right-o," Fred said brightly, spraying the doxy quickly in the face so that it fainted, but the moment Mrs Weasley's back was turned he pocketed it with a wink. 

"Why do you need doxies?" Charlie asked the Twins with a questioning look, she had never seen doxies being used as an ingredient in any sweet nor had Willy ever told her about someone using it. It was new. 

 "We want to experiment with doxy venom for our Skiving Snackboxes," George told Charlie and Harry, who was watching them, under his breath. Harry looked at Charlie with a raised eyebrow silently asking if this was her idea.

"I have nothing to do with it. It's all them. I don't make candies that would poison people," Charlie said as the twins gave offended gasps, their hands on their hearts as they faked hurt which caused her to roll her eyes.

"Well, I think these will be very useful this year," George said thoughtfully. 

"What are Skiving Snackboxes?" Harry asked out of the corner of his mouth. 

"Range of sweets to make you ill," George whispered, keeping a wary eye on Mrs Weasley's back. "Not seriously ill, mind, just ill enough to get you out of a class when you feel like it. Fred and I have been developing them this summer. They're double-ended, colour coded chews. If you eat the orange half of the Puking Pastilles, you throw up. The moment you've been rushed out of the lesson for the hospital wing, you swallow the purple half —"

"'— which restores you to full fitness, enabling you to pursue the leisure activity of your own choice during an hour that would otherwise have been devoted to unprofitable boredom. That's what we're putting in the adverts, anyway," Fred said as he moved out of Mrs Weasley's way who was sweeping the dead doxies in one corner, Charlie watched him speak, she felt incredibly proud as she heard and saw how the twins were expanding their business. 

Willy Wonka Company was also swelling if she said it so herself, the response they had gotten ever since they had launched the new products was tremendous, Willy was on the verge of crying when he heard about the reviews from the people. The secret of her being the grand-daughter of Willy Wonka was still a secret to most of the Wizarding World, the only ones who knew were the one related to the Order and frankly, she preferred it that way. 

"But they still need a bit of work. At the moment our testers are having a bit of trouble stopping puking long enough to swallow the purple end." Fred said snapping Charlie out of her train of thoughts. 

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