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Green Shadows

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Green Shadows

The green shadow of the Dark Mark was still looming in the air, Charlie was sitting by the tree quietly, her leg was still tangled and she could hear the clitter-clatter going on, she had to turn off her wand light in the fear that someone from the other side will find her. She didn't know how long she was sitting there, her leg was in pain and it was getting cold, her jacket wasn't sufficient to fight off the cold. She leaned against the tree near here and closed her eyes and from the pure exhaustion, she didn't know when she slipped into a light sleep.

The feeling of falling down from a height and not being able to hold onto to something was worst and that was exactly what to Charlie, she got up to the shock of someone shaking her and her instincts told her to kick the person. 

And she did.

"OW!!" Someone cursed under their breath, holding their stomach.

"I am so sorry," Charlie said as she saw Charlie(W) standing in front of her holding his stomach.

"It's fine, okay....oh it hurts..." Charlie(W) said as he took a deep breath.

"Are you okay?" Charlie asked the Weasley man.

"Yeah, come on, we need to get out....why are you still sitting down?" 

"My ankle is sprained and my healing spells aren't great," 

"Neither are mine, anyways, I'll help you, come on," Charlie said as he helped Charlie to get on her feet. Finally, after some trial and error, they both managed to stand up without either one of them getting hurt or falling back on the ground. Charlie held onto the elder Weasley brother who was preparing to side-apparate them both to the tent, the feeling of the apparition was something she never enjoyed as it always resulted in her either nauseating or vomiting. 

And this time it was no different.

"Oh, I am going to be sick, I need to throw up,"

"Be sick near the bushes," 

Charlie and Charlie were standing outside the tent which was a little burned on the outside but it seemed that in the entirety it looked fine, the tents around the Weasley's tents were burned fully and completely, Charlie's tent was burned until only the outline of the tent remained.

"We are back," Charlie(W) yelled as they entered the tent, inside the tent everybody except for Thomas and Arthur were present, Ainsley and the Twins jumped to their feet as each of them hugged Charlie, Fred a little longer than the others. Charlie went to sit by the table as Hermione went to bring some water. 

"Where were you?" Ainsley asked.

"My foot got stuck in one of the branches and I couldn't shout for you because of the Death Eaters," Everybody went silent after that, the only sound was Charlie gulping on the water Hermione handed her.

"Why is the Dark Mark there? Did anyone die? Is dad okay?" Charlie asked anxiously as she tried to stand up but her leg gave away.

"Don't-don't stand up, your dad's fine," Fred said as he helped her sit down and sat down beside her.

"But where is he?" 

"He is with our dad, the ministry needed them," Percy said.

"Don't worry, he's fine, our dad came by a little while ago telling us that they will be fine, we'll return home by the dawn," George said noticing the tension on Charlie's face.

"You'll come with us to The Burrow,"

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