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Annoying Gingers

The hustle and bustle of the platform 9 & 3/4's was overwhelming, some people might even say it is madness but some find it rather soothing and among them was a girl, no older than fourteen years old. Her blonde hair tied in a neat ponytail, her school uniform on point and her kitten, Astoria peacefully sleeping in her little cat cage. A naughty kitten and a platform filled with people moving to and fro is not a good combination.

"Now, be good and take care of poor Ainsley, the boy falls sick a lot." Thomas said patting Ainsley on his back who was glaring at Charlie, his mind going back to the different experiments Charlie had done on him but nonetheless they became good friends, they became best friends.

"Yes, Charlie you will take care of me when I fall sick, wouldn't you, after all, you are the one responsible for me falling sick." Ainsley said as he raised an eyebrow at Charlie who returned it with a glare.

"Charlie responsible for making you sick, what are you talking about, son?" Thomas said as he looked between the two teens, one was smirking and the other glaring at the former.

"Nothing, Dad, he is gone mad."

"Am I?"

"I swear to god-"

"Ah, kids behave yourself." Thomas warned them.

"Yes, father." Charlie replied before kissing her father goodbye as she went off and into the train.

"You don't expect me to kiss you goodbye, do you?"

A New year at Hogwarts always brought excitement to the young witches and wizards but the journey towards it was always slightly boring, the journey was long and the view wasn't very fascinating. Usually, the kids ended up sleeping or complete the homework they neglected over the holidays and the fear of McGonagall and other teachers made it compulsory for them to complete it. However, there were some students who wouldn't sleep nor let the others sleep, one such person was Charlie Densmore whose addiction of making mysterious candies was something the whole Ravenclaw House was aware of as they were often the guinea pigs of her experiments. However, that led to the Ravenclaw house staying away from Charlie who also insisted that Ainsley should also stay away from her but the boy remained stubborn and hence forming a beautiful friendship.

"Have you gone mad?" Charlie exclaimed as they entered a compartment though their compartment was different this year, a group of first years took their compartment and when they were asked to leave, they refused and Charlie could have sworn the kids were getting ruder and ruder every year.

"What, are you mad because of the joke I made, trust me, I would never hit on your father, however handsome he may be." Ainsley said as he sat down throwing his satchel on the floor and laying on the seat.

"No, it's not the joke, it's the stunt you played out there, blaming me for you being sick, you tosser."

"Well it is true, I have become sick because of you."

"Well, then okay, if you are so sick of I being the reason you fall sick, then why do you stick with me, I am fine on my own."

"No, you're not."

"You will see." Charlie said as she exited the compartment without a second glance at Ainsley.

Finding another empty compartment wasn't easy but she managed to find one with just one person inside, a small blonde girl, she had similar hair to Charlie, she had already changed into black robes indicating she was a first year. The girl had a very peculiar persona around her, a necklace made out of corks adorned her neck and she seemed not to be aware of her surroundings as well as Charlie's presence.

"Um, can I sit here?" Charlie asked for the little girl's permission.

"You want to?" The girl questioned, her eyes lighting up.

"Yeah, why not?"

"I am Charlie Densmore."

"Luna Lovegood."

The journey began towards Hogwarts and no matter how many times she has travelled through the planes of England and towards Scotland, Charlie never got bored of watching through the window. Eventually, Luna got bored of watching Charlie and fell asleep, deciding to use her free time Charlie removed her journal and started to write the candy idea she had in her mind since the morning, a raspberry kite which had liquorice as a string and with the help a simple swish and flick, the kites would fly as high as she wants.

A good few minutes had passed since Charlie started writing and honestly, she was starting to miss Ainsley, he was good at bringing her imagination to life, what amount of ingredients were needed and how to mix them was something Ainsley did. So when the compartment door opened she wished and hoped it would be Ainsley but upon seeing two redheads, her hope was crushed.

"Nope, not in here." One of them said as he looked around before shaking his head.

"Excuse me, who the hell are you and what are you doing in my compartment? "

"I am sorry, do you have your name craved anywhere in here?" The other twin asked.

"No-but- "

"So, you can't say we are in your compartment."

"Get out." Charlie said stubbornly.

"Nope." One of them replied.

"We are going to sit here for the rest of the journey," The Twins said in sync as they took place on either side of Charlie, who could have sworn that she was never so uncomfortable in her entire life and she thanked the boys weren't smelly or sweaty.

"So uh you are just going to sit here the entire journey with two strangers," Charlie asked the one who was on her right.

"George is not a stranger to me," The boy replied as Charlie sighed before pointing at Luna who was sleeping and the girl seemed to be a pretty heavy sleeper.

"It's going to be a long ride. "

Fred and George Weasley had initially planned on finding their younger brother, Ron Weasley but when they stumbled into the compartment with the rude blonde, they decided that they had two options either find Ronald which seemed rather boring or sit throughout the ride with a cute blonde who seemed interesting to say the least.

"So, what's your name?" Fred asked the girl sitting on his left, she carried a bored look on her face and from her expressions, she didn't seem to be interested in any conversations.

"I don't have to tell you my name," The girl replied to him.

"Why?" George asked slightly offended by the way the girl behaved.

"Because I am not obliged to. "

"Well, we will find out, we are Fred and George Weasley, " Fred said.

"Who is who? "

"For that, you have to spend time with us, "

"I'd rather not. "

"Oh, you will. "

CANDY CRUSH {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now