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Banned For Life

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Banned For Life.

"Banned? That foul of a woman banned you from playing Quidditch?" 

Fred took a deep breath trying to control his anger, his girlfriend was going on for the last half an hour about how angry she was and while Fred perfectly understood where she was coming from, it still angered and irritated him to no end. Her repeating it was not helpful. Fred was much angrier than George was as he hadn't done anything, he hadn't even touched either of the Slytherin players. Umbridge had made it very clear where her bias was, Crabbe just got lines. 

"For the love of god, will you shut up!" Fred finally snapped at Charlie, instantly regretting it when she quickly shut her mouth and ate her breakfast quietly. Great, as if things weren't going in his favour, now he had upset his girlfriend too, one of the only good things in his life.

"I–" Fred opened his mouth to explain himself but the owls decided at the same time to deliver posts. Fred sighed as one of the barn owls dropped a letter on Charlie's plate which she quickly grabbed and opened to read, he knew she won't listen to him anyway now that she had gotten a letter.

"Anything wrong?" George asked, who was much calmer than Fred was. But Charlie didn't listen to him. 

"Charlie," the twin repeated again as he lightly tapped on her hand which did the trick.

"I–I have to go," she said before quickly picking up her satchel and walking out of the Great Hall leaving her breakfast. 

"You messed up," George said.

"I don't need to hear it from you too," Fred snapped at his brother.

"Are you sure there isn't anything you could do to convince Umbridge to let you back on the team," Ainsley asked still looking in the direction where his best friend had wandered off.

"I am not going to beg Umbridge," Fred and George said simultaneously and darkly. Both of them carried an ugly expression on their faces and Ainsley deemed it best if he didn't say anything else. All of them ate their breakfast in silence and continued to do so for the next few minutes but the awkward moment between the three vanished when the whispers surrounded them.

"Hey it's Hagrid," one of the kids yelled, everybody turned to look at Hagrid who took his seat at the Head table, most of the Gryffindor table cheered his return, Fred, George, and Lee, roared with delight and sprinted up the aisle between the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables to wring Hagrid's enormous hand; others, like Parvati and Lavender, exchanged gloomy looks and shook their heads. 

"I am so glad Hagrid's back, his classes are so much fun," Lee said after he and the twins returned to their seats. 

"Yeah, as long as idea Hagrid's isea of an interesting class is not one where there was a risk that somebody might have their head ripped off,"

Charlie was having a hard time breathing as she sat in the loo, he was having a panic attack and the reason behind her dishevelled form was the letter that she had just received. All this time she had thought she was motherless, of course, Molly treated her like her own daughter and Rosemerta had always treated her like a child but those things were different. They weren't her real mother. Thomas had always told her mother had run away and that Charlie should consider him his mother and father. And he had been like that. Not that she ever craved a mother as Thomas was enough for her, but this entire thing felt deceitful. So, the letter that she had in her hand, Charlie didn't know what to believe, she had a mother, of course, everyone has one but unlike what Thomas had said, she didn't run away, she was kicked out. 

"Ohhh, you're the Densmore girl," Charlie jumped when she heard a shrill voice followed by a flush of the toilet. She turned to her right only to come face to face with Myrtle or otherwise known as Moaning Myrtle. 

"Good morning, Myrtle," Charlie greeted the ghost girl.

"Ah, a very good morning, isn't it? I had much fun scaring the first year girls that accidently came into this bathroom,"

"Yes, that must have been fun," Charlie said as she stood up and made her way towards the mirror and wiped her tears away, she hadn't realised she was crying. 

"You don't look so good, eyes all red and puffy, you look ugly," the ghost said as she came to stand behind Charlie, a grin on her face as she teased the Head Girl.

"I am in no mood for your insults," 

"Those may be insults but those are true," Charlie just huffed and she was about to say something when the bell rang indicating the start of their classes, her first class, Transfiguration, was on the other side of the castle. 

"Atleast comb your hair," Myrtle's shrill laugh rang as Charlie ran away from the toilet. By the time she reached the transfiguration room, everyone was already there...she was late and by the look on McGonagall's face, she wasn't happy.

"Miss Densmore, may I know the reason for your tardiness?" McGonagall asked as everyone turned to look at her, Charlie was unable to utter a single word and she could feel her eyes starting to water.

"Take your seat, Miss Densmore," McGonagall said gently, perhaps noticing that the Head Girl was in no mood to talk and was seconds away from crying. Charlie quickly nodded and took a seat next to George and these were one of the times when she was thankful that Fred didn't pass Transfiguration.

The class started with Professor McGonagall telling them the curriculum that they needed to finish before Christmas Break which was a few weeks away and frankly Charlie was weighing if she should just stay at the castle for the holiday. She didn't want to face Thomas. She was brought out of her thoughts when a George passed her a piece of parchment. 

"You alright?"  George had written in his slightly messy handwriting. Charlie just shook her head before turning her attention back to the board, she could hear him sigh before he snatched the parchment piece back and scribbled something, aggressively. 

"Look I know my brother is an idiot but he is roaming around like a kicked puppy," 

Charlie once again ignored George and before he could say another word the bell rang signalling the end of classes before he could catch her, she escaped and rushed outside the castle for her Care of Magical Creatures. As she rushed down the slope she forgot that Herbology was taking place outside and she cursed herself when she saw Fred climbing up the only way that led to Hagrid's Hut.

"Hey Charlie," Lee shouted from the base of the slope, Fred's head immediately jerked up at her name and even though they weren't on speaking terms Charlie felt small butterflies.

"Good Evening, Lee," Charlie said not looking at Fred before rushing towards Hagrid.

Fred watched as his girlfriend rushed down, she didn't even look at him and it was then that he realised that he couldn't live without her, there was a sinking feeling in the bottom of his heart and he gulped to avoid crying. 

"Have you told her?" Lee asked. Fred turned towards his best friend before shaking his head, that was also something that was looming on his head like a sword but he just couldn't get himself to do it.

"Yes because that's what I should do...tell my clearly upset girlfriend that I am thinking of leaving. Cause that will solve my problems..."

"I am just giving advice...don't take your anger out on me mate,"

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