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Platform 9 & 3/4's was always chaotic for Ainsley, unlike most of his colleagues he didn't have any parent seeing him off to the school, he had to bid his parents goodbye before walking through the wall seeing as muggles weren't allowed to enter. His summer had gone by without much activity, he didn't really get any letters from either Charlie or the Twins, except for the ones telling him that they won't be able to contact him for the rest of the summer. However, that didn't mean that he didn't get any letters, Evan sent him multiple letters over the summer, a specific letter also told him that Evan was in a relationship, surprisingly that didn't really make him as sad as he expected. 

Now standing alone on the platform, he searched for his best friends, his heart nearly giving out every time someone with red hair came in sight but he sighed in disappointment when neither the twins nor Charlie were seen. With his bag on his shoulder, he decided it would be best to just grab a compartment and wait for them to arrive. When Charlie and the twins wrote that letter to him, he didn't find himself getting angry by the thought that they couldn't write to him but the fact that they would see each other every day, especially George.  

He chuckled to himself, seeing as he was the one opposed to having any contact with George and now that he had spent months without George, he was looking forward to seeing him again and spending time with him. Them. Ainsley corrected himself. He was lost in his own thoughts when he was pulled by the back of his sweatshirt, a flash of red in front of him before he was met with the image of the twins smiling brightly at him. 

"Toffee-nosed," George said with a huge grin. Ainsley grinned before hugging him tightly nearly knocking him off the feet.

"Looks like you missed me," George said, Ainsley immediately turned red and cleared his throat and turned to Fred who had a smile on his face, Ainsley gave Fred a hug before rubbing his hands awkwardly and took a seat. 

"I wonder where's Charlie?" Ainsley said as he watched the platform disappear. 

"Oh, she's in the meeting, Head Girl and all," Fred said grumpily before folding his arms on his chest.

"Head Girl? Charlie? Wow, that's great," Ainsley said with a proud grin, not noticing that Fred didn't share his enthusiasm. 

"Yup, she's been rubbing it in our face ever since," 

The meeting went on longer than usual, by the end of it Charlie along with all the other prefects were tired and hungry, she could see Ron whispering to Hermione angrily under his breath, one thing she learned from living with Ron for more than two months was that the boy didn't handle hunger well. 

"Honestly, Ronald, stop whining," Hermione snapped at the boy, thankfully other than Charlie nobody heard, she raised an eyebrow at them before digging into her satchel and pulled out a banana before handing it to Ron.

"Thank you so bloody much," Ron thanked her with his mouth full, both Hermione and Charlie grimaced before Charlie patted him on the back, it didn't take long for the boy to finish the banana before he turned to Charlie;

"Thank you," Ron said again.

"You thanked me, Ron,"

"No...for Fred and George, they apologized just as we were entering the train," Ron said with a grin, much happier now that he had food in his stomach. Charlie nodded with a smile, mission accomplished, she muttered softly, the two days they had gone without talking to each were well worth it.

"Well, they were being idiots,"

"I am glad Fred and George have someone who can keep them in tow. Without you, the entire summer would've been a big screaming fest...well, more than it already was," 

Fred didn't know when he fell asleep, he was only woken up after there was a sudden jerk from the train, he groaned when he tried to move his shoulder, it was stiff as he seemed to be sleeping leaned on it. He tried stretching his arm which gave him absolutely no relief, looking around he observed that George and Ainsley were missing but Charlie was sitting opposite of him, her legs in front of her, she looked asleep. Her head was at an odd angle, Fred scrunched his nose up, he knew she was going to be in pain if she continued sleeping like that, sighing he moved towards her gently shaking her up.

"Love," Fred said carefully, he knew she never liked being woken up. Charlie stirred before looking at Fred sleepily.

"My neck hurts," she whispered, this was the first time in two days that they've talked to each other. After Charlie had left their room that night, Fred and George pondered over what she had said and realised she had been right, over the years they had dismissed Ron's feeling about many things. Ron always was the last person to get anything new, all of his stuff was hand me down, even the first wand he got was passed down from Bill.

"I apologised to Ron," Fred said.

"I know...it was the right thing to do," Charlie said, Fred nodded before groaning again. 

"What's the matter?" 

 "I slept funny," Charlie chuckled as she moved a little and patter her lap. Fred shook his head before putting his head in her lap, he smiled when her fingers made their way into his hair instantly making him sleepy. 

"Your hair is really soft," Charlie commented without thinking much. She didn't get any response from him apart from a mumble which soon was followed by soft snores, Charlie carefully laid his jacket on his torso before making a makeshift pillow from her own jacket. 

"Looks like our plan worked," George said as he and Ainsley entered the compartment again, both of them carrying huge smiles on their faces.

"I am glad," Ainsley said as his pinky grabbed onto George's. George looked at Ainsley who was already looking at him, a genuine grin on his face. 

"I think we have a lot to talk about," 

By the time Fred and Charlie woke up they were already at Hogwarts, with their satchels in their hands they got out of the train, they could see George and Ainsley standing at the platform, both of them standing rather close, a small smile made its way on Charlie's face but she turned to Fred sharply tugging on his sleeve.

"Freddie, I swear if you tease them I will kill you," 

"Now, love, why would–yeah fine I won't tease them," Fred said before wrapping an arm around her shoulder before pulling them towards George and Ainsley, who waved at them, neither of them able to control their smiles.

"Congrats," Charlie and Ainsley said at the same time as they hugged each other tightly. 

"Why?" Ainsley asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"You and George?" Ainsley turned bright red at this which caused Charlie to hug him again.

"I am so happy for you guys. Guess Ginny owes me 2 sickles," Charlie said as she turned to the twins.

"You guys bet on us?" George asked with a raised eyebrow, Charlie nodded happily.

"Traitors, god my own sister too. What a shame," 

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