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The Burrow

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The Burrow

The entire night had been exhausting and frankly a little weird, Charlie hadn't been able to sleep even for a blink, she could hear the sound of the boys snoring and she tossed and turned all night to make herself comfortable. The sun had yet to rise as Mr Weasley, who had come in late that night, woke everyone up as they needed to leave to get to The Burrow, Thomas had also come in with Mr Weasley to check on Charlie and Ainsley but he had to go to the Ministry, so he left with a promise to pick them up as soon as he got free.

"Come on, we have to get a portkey," The portkey happened to be an old rubber tire which transported them to the Stoatshead Road from where they walked towards St Ottery Cathpole. Charlie could barely keep her eyes open as her exhaustion started to kick in, she had to lean on Fred to keep herself straight and keep walking, The Twins and Ron would mumble something along the line of breakfast. 

"Come on, only a little longer," Mr Weasley said as Ginny complained about how much she had to walk.

"Oh thank goodness, thank goodness!" The cry of Mrs Weasley echoed through the lane they were walking through, she seemed to be waiting outside her home and was obviously relieved to see her husband and children all in good shape.

"Arthur — I've been so worried — so worried —" Mrs Weasley cried as she hugged Mr Weasley, she had a Daily Prophet clutched under her arm but from what Charlie could read 'SCENES OF TERROR AT THE QUIDDITCH WORLD CUP' was the title of the main article.

"You're all right," She looked around at all the children with relief in her eyes, "you'realive. . . . Oh boys . . . " She grabbed Fred and George and pulled them in a tight hug banging their heads together.

"Ouch! Mum — you're strangling us —" Charlie and Ainsley chuckled as they saw Fred and George struggling to get out of Mrs Wealsey's grip.

"I shouted at you before you left! It's all I've been thinking about! What if You-Know-Who hadgot you, and the last thing I ever said to you was that you didn't getenough O.W.L.s? Oh Fred . . . George . . ." She sobbed as Arthur came forward trying to pull her away from the boys.

"Come on, now, Molly, we're all perfectly okay," 

Mrs Weasley lead everyone into the house as she finally managed to calm herself down, they crammed into the tiny kitchen as Hermione made Mrs Weasley a strong cup of tea, Ginny who was beyond exhausted passed out on Charlie's(D) shoulder.

Mr Weasley had to go to the ministry as he had made everything worse or something along those lines, Percy had also joined his father while Harry had asked something about Hedwig and a letter, so he, Ron and Hermione went to Ron's room. Mrs Weasley looked suspiciously at the staircase quickly shaking her head and looked at her other kids, Charlie(W) and Bill had already retracted to their rooms. Fred and George had opted on sleeping on the dinner table with their mouths opened which meant that only Charlie and Ainsley were awake.

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