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Sweet Fumes

The smell of sweets fumes filled the Hogsmeade village as Honeydukes was preparing for the launch of their very latest sweet line, the shop was flooded with people from various age groups, from kids to elders Honeydukes had something for every age. They had different varieties of sweets, the normal Muggle candies, the sour candies, the bitter candies, the pranking candies and the ones which didn't have any taste at all. One simply couldn't ignore the shop when they were in Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade, the shop brought happiness to people. However, like everything has an exception, there were people who hated Honeydukes and did everything to keep their kids out of there in fact out of every place which sold sugar candies and chocolate, one such man was Thomas Densmore.

"Daddy, look a sweet shop, let's go in there, please," A small girl no more than five years old said to her father, a huge smile on her face, a hopeful look in her eyes, chocolate was something she always wanted to try but her father wouldn't let her, he seemed to have some problem with Honeydukes and other sweet shops.

"Not today, Charlie, sweetheart. We are in a bit of hurry," Thomas said pulling the girl gently away from the sweet shop and towards Leaky Cauldron. Charlie Densmore looked back at Honeydukes, small innocent tears welling in her eyes as she looked back again at her father, glaring at him.

"Daddy, please could we go inside, I promise I won't buy anything," An eleven-year-old Charlie said as she looked at the shop, the shop was her dream, she wanted to go inside and taste everything they had but her father wouldn't allow her. He had an excuse ready every time and most of the time the excuses were very lame like they didn't have time as they lived in Hogsmeade and the literal distance from her home to Honeydukes would take them five minutes.

"Not today, we are- " Thomas went to say only to be cut off by his daughter.

"In a hurry, yeah, I know," Charlie said as she stormed away from her father and into Three Broomsticks. Rosmerta or Rose as Charlie liked to call her was Charlie's number one person, apart from her father, to go to when she needed someone to talk to, it started when Charlie was upset that her father wouldn't take her to Honeydukes and to compensate he took her for lunch at Three Broomsticks and Rosmerta couldn't ignore the crying girl.

"He refused again?" Rosmerta asked the girl as she sat down on one of the tables, the bar was closed and Rosmerta was cleaning the glasses with a smile on her face.

"Yes, I don't understand what his problem is, you know, he gets me everything but just no chocolate," Charlie said laying her head on the table.

"Just forget about it, you are going to Hogwarts in a couple of days, you should be excited about that," Rosmerta said to the girl in hopes of cheering her up.

CANDY CRUSH {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now