Chapter 20 ~ The Griffin

Start from the beginning

"The griffin is here," I say

I look back down and see Arthur and his knights. Arthur stood in the middle and his knights made a sort of circle around him. The griffin was hovering over them.  I open the window slightly.

"Defense!" Arthur yells.

Arthur and the knights bend down behind their shields. They just sit there waiting for the Griffin. The creature had had enough of waiting, it flew forward knocking Arthur and a few of his knights down. Arthur and his knights jump back up and form a formation that looked like an arrow Arthur was in front which I was not happy about. The griffin lands and begins walking side to side. The knights push forward with Arthur in front then stop a few meters away from the griffin. Arthur looks back at his knights then back to the griffin.

"Charge!" Arthur yells

The knights' charge as Arthur said. They stop in front of the Griffin and attempt to hit it. Arthur lunges forward with his spear but the griffin dodges. The other knights were barely doing anything, Arthur was the one who attacked. Arthur lunges forward and gives it a square hit on the chest, but the spear just broke right there and then. The griffin reared up and knocked Arthur to the ground the knights just backed away and didn't help Arthur. Before anyone could stop me I spin around and run out the door.

"Olivia!" Merlin shouts.

I run out the door and down to Arthur he was still on the floor with no weapon and just a small shield to help him against a giant creature. I don't even hesitate I run straight to Arthur and pull him up, just as I did so the creature lunged forward and hit me, I fell to the ground. I look down to my side and saw I had a wound just like Lancelot had.

"Olivia!" Arthur cries.

Everything after that was a blur I saw a flame then the griffin flying away.  I felt Arthur lift me up and took me to where I assume was Gaius's chambers.  

"Gaius!" Arthur shouts.

Gaius turns from his book and sees me.  

"What happened to her?" Gaius exclaims.

"The griffin, it hit her," he says.

"Set her on the bed," Gaius instructs

"Olivia!" Merlin shouts.

Arthur walks to the bed and gently sets me down. He pushes the hair out of my face. 

"Gaius, please, help her," Arthur says

After that, I blacked out.

~A  hour later~

I wake up finding myself lying on my bed. I sit up and look down to my side, the wound was much better. I walk down to the main part of the chambers to find Merlin and Gaius talking.

"Is it true? Can the griffin only be killed by magic?" Merlin asks

"Yes, I'm certain of it," Gaius replies.

"Wait, what?" I ask 

"Olivia, you should be resting," Merlin says

"I'm fine, what's going on?" I ask.

"Arthur is going out to fight the Griffin... tonight," Gaius replies

"Wait what, if the creature can only be killed by magic, he'll die!" I exclaim. "We must stop him make Uther see reason," 

"Where magic is concerned our King is blind to reason," Gaius sighs

"even if that means killing his only son?" I ask.

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