Now it was Hazel's turn. The half blooded witch lifted her wand, "Salvio Hexia," she continued, drawing an 'x' on the air.

"What are you doing?" George asked, still holding on to Ron's good shoulder. Despite making jokes at his brother's expense at all times, George was still his older brother. No amount of jokes would ever be the equal to the love he shared for Ron.

"Protective enchantments," Hermione replied, her tone almost angry. "I don't fancy another visit like we had at the Muggle cafe, do you?" She asked Harry, who shook his head in response, looking almost afraid. "You both should get started on the tent," the girl nodded at her bag and Harry instantly got up, following her instructions. With that, Hermione turned back around and continued placing the charms next to Hazel, who pursed her lips.

"What happened at the Muggle cafe?" She asked, trying to make small talk. Hermione, however, shook her head.

"I'll tell you later," the girl said, raising her wand again in a dismissive way. "Protego Totalum..." It was clear that Hermione was entering emotional distress. Seeing your soulmate in that state took a toll on you, and that's what Hermione was experiencing. Hazel was all too familiar with the feeling. And so, the part veela witch didn't push any further, instead she continued placing the enchantments, helping Hermione out in the process.

Later that night, the five of them sat inside the tent, on their bunk beds. There were only four, because Hermione didn't think George would actually join them. Originally, the plan did include Hazel joining them in their quest. She'd insisted so much and Hermione knew she was a stubborn girl so she assumed it would happen. What she didn't for see was George joining too, even if he said he wanted to go, Hermione didn't think Hazel would be too keen on that. Nobody could've seen this coming. "He can sleep with me, it's fine," Hazel reassured the others, nodding. "So... What the hell are we gonna do now?"

Ron was sitting down in front of her and George, next to Hermione and Harry. He was wearing an arm brace that Hermione made out of a piece of cloth. "We can't apparate back... Ron's not strong enough yet," she told them with a sigh. "I mean you two could leave if you wanted to -"

"And leave my brother hurt? How would I come back here? We're in the middle of nowhere - there's no way," refused George, shaking his head. "I couldn't possibly live with myself if I did that," Hazel knew that was true. George was very close to his family, no matter what he was always there for them. Seeing Ron in this state couldn't be good for him either.

"Then we walk," Hermione said with a shrug, tucking her hair behind her ear. "We keep moving because staying in one place isn't gonna help, someone could find us," Hazel nodded in agreement. "Tomorrow we begin. We have to destroy the Horcrux, there has to be a way. There's five of us, we'll figure it out," Harry ran a hand through his hair in frustration, getting up and walking out without saying anything.

Ron closed his eyes for a second at the action, sighing and wincing slightly when he tried to get up. Hermione went to stand up after but Hazel stopped her, putting her hand on the girl's knee, "Let me." Hermione nodded, silently thanking the ocean eyed girl who got up and walked out after Harry. George stared as she walked out of the tent before turning his attention back to his brother. "H," she called. The boy was standing a few metres away, hands in his pockets as he breathed in the cold night air. "What's wrong?" Hazel asked him quietly, reaching to touch his shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Harry repeated in disbelief. "Everything," he grunted, turning around to look at her. "Everything's wrong! We're stuck here, in the middle of fucking nowhere, holding a part of You Know Who's soul," he flailed his arms, desperately. Hazel bit the inside of her cheek as he continued complaining. "Ron got hurt, you and George got dragged into this mess and -"

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