"Sirius and I actually have some news, we meant to tell you the day we picked Harry up but Moody interrupted us..." He cleared his throat, letting his back sink further into the couch. Hazel and George gave the man their full attention as he fiddled with his fingers slightly. "Well, Sirius has always wanted to be a father so as soon as he became a free man we began trying... Basically what I'm saying is - we're having a child," the couple gasped audibly, Hazel's hand flying to her mouth in astonishment.

"Wait, huh?" George frowned, not comprehending what was happening. Hazel chuckled as she glanced at his face, his brows were furrowed and his nose was wrinkled quizzically.

The werewolf laughed at his reaction. "Tonks is Sirius' cousin, once removed, so she has Black blood. She agreed to be our surrogate - we've been having trips to St. Mungo's regularly for about five months? Until about a month ago, it finally worked," Hazel got up from her spot, removing George's arm from her shoulders to go hug her godfather, who also stood and embraced the girl.

"I'm so glad this is happening for you," she mumbled into the hug, tightening her arms around him. "I can't believe this is happening! A baby cousin!" Hazel squealed, pulling away as Remus laughed. George followed, congratulating the man with a pat on the back and a side hug. "And how are you feeling? You said Sirius wanted to be a dad, but what about you?" She asked, retaking her spot on the couch next to her soulmate.

Remus licked his lips as he sat back down, shrugging slightly. "To be completely honest, I never really thought about it until Sirius asked me... I always thought I wouldn't be a good dad, you know, leaving every full moon, acting out every cycle -"

"- Why would that mean you're gonna be a bad parent? That doesn't mean anything," George stopped him, shaking his head. "I've seen you with kids, I've seen you with Hazel and Harry. You're gonna be a great dad and so is Padfoot." Hazel hid her smile against the back of his hand, giving it a soft kiss. "And, wolfsbane works pretty good most of the time, doesn't it? Just don't forget to take it," he joked, referring to the time in fifth year when he had indeed forgotten.

The older man laughed at the memory, narrowing his eyes. "Yeah, well. I am praying that they're not a werewolf. Wouldn't wanna pass this on to my child," he muttered, rubbing his thighs. Remus was visibly uncomfortable.

Hazel bit her lip, "It wouldn't be a curse if they are," she settled on saying. "It would mean they're like their dad. And their dad is one of the most fantastic men I've ever had the pleasure of knowing, so, please don't offend him," she said, half jokingly. Remus, however, blushed softly at the compliments.

"Thank you," he murmured, looking down at the ground. Deep down he was still the same insecure boy that fell in love with a young Sirius Black. Despite Sirius' relentless attempts to make Remus feel like the amazing man he was, more often than not, the werewolf couldn't shake the feeling off.

Sarah walked back in with a leathered, brown book in one hand and a cup of tea in the other. She set the cup down on the table, handing the book to Hazel. "Your grandfather left you this," said her grandmother, sitting down besides Remus. "It's a journal he kept. He used to write quite a lot. It's a magical book, so when you're done reading you just tap it three times with your wand and call for 'book two' and so on... that's how you'll be able to read the next ones," Hazel admired it quietly, flipping through the pages. They were full to the brim in his beautiful, cursive handwriting. "I believe there's around thirty..."

Hazel's ocean eyes grew at the sound of that. "Thirty books? Damn," George whistled lowly, eyeing the book from behind the girl. "Maybe I should start writing for my grandkids," he mumbled, more to himself. Hazel barely nodded in agreement as she stared at the book with a small, wistful smile.

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