"You don't even mean it." he scoffed "How about you get settled on your lovin life before you start talking about mine?"
"I would love to! If you haven't threatened every boy in this bloody school if they dated me."
"I did this last year, get over it." she gasped.

"You actually did this?"
"Oh... I thought you knew. Yes, I did it. What about it?" he shrugged, a smug smirk on his face making her groan in anger.
"For fuck's sake, you are insane. How did you have time to even do it?"

"Oh, please. You think I talked to each one of them? I talked about it to Blaise really loudly at the boy's bathroom and they accidently herded and spread the rumor. Not my fault if they like to eavesdrop." he said, smiling wildly. She slapped her palm on her forehead.

"You are unbelievable."
"No need to thank me!"
"Need for... What?"
"I did it for you! We both know none of them are half as good for you as I am. I just saved you from the frustration. You're welcome, love."


"First of all, I'll fucking kill you." she pointed her finger at his face "Second, you have no right to call me that." he grabbed her fist and lowered it, leaning close to her face.
"Don't point your finger at me, you bitch." she leaned in, her blood boiling.

"Call me a bitch again. Do it, Malfoy. I fucking dare you." she said, her eyes flashing red.
"Kinky aren't w..." before he could continue, Snape slapped his hand on the table.

"Since both of you are so focused on my class, how about you help me with it?" he asked, glancing at the two slytherins.

"Tell what each of you smell." he said, handing each of them a potion. Katherine sniffed the glass, and narrowed her eyes. She covered her nose around the potion, trying to stop other smells to interrupt her, and sniff again.

On the other side of the table, Draco was struggling as well. He tried to turn away from Katherine, using his palm to block her from him, like this would stop her from watching him. He sniffed numerous times, trying to catch the potion smell, but it wasn't working for him as well.

After several failed attempts, they turned to face each other, frowning in annoyance. Katherine turned to the professor.
"Unfortunately I can't help you, professor."
"And why is that, Ms. Harvey?"

"Because everytime I'm close to feeling the smell, another thing interrupts me. Maybe If Malfoy didn't take a cologne bath every bloody morning, I would be able to actually smell it."
"You are the one to talk! I can't smell anything because of you. Maybe if you wouldn't spread cherry things all over yourself everyday, I would be able to actually smell it." he snapped back, an annoyed expression on his face. Snape scoffed, looking at them.

"Maybe pay attention in class next time." he said, slamming his hand on the table and getting the glass, passing it to the other students.

Katherine and Draco kept bickering at each other until a paper hit the back of her head. Both of them turned around to find Hermione waving her hand, trying to get their attention. Kath frowned at her, and her cousin pointed at the board.

They turned around and found the name of the potion, and the page they should open at their potions book. They grimaced at each other and opened their books, looking at the information.

"Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from the potion in spirals. Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what attracts them."

Their eyes went wide. They couldn't believe it.

Draco's heart raced fast, does it mean she... still have feelings for him?

He snapped his head to her, a hopeful expression at his face. She didn't stare back, but she could feel his gaze on her.

The only thing she heard was Snape's voice dismissing them for lunch, and she ran out of the classroom, pushing anyone who was on her way. Which has got way too hard because when she left the room, the hallway was full of people.

She tried her best to dodge away from the students and run away, but before she could get too far, she felt someone's grip on her arm, pulling her back.

With the sudden force, her body stumbed back and turned around, making her face the person. She immediately got mesmerized by his silvered-blue eyes.

"You smelled me. Did you read what the potion is about?"
"I did." she mumbled.
"This means you still have feelings for me?" he asked, approaching her.

"You smelled me too. What does this mean?" she said, trying to ignore his question, which he obviously realized. He smiled widely and cupped her chin.
"Stop playing dumb, I love you." he said and kissed her.

Her eyes widened at first in surprise, but she immediately returned the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. He gripped her waist thighly, afraid to let her go again. She broke the kiss and stared into his eyes.

"Everybody is seeing it." she said matter-of-factly.
"As they should be. I will make sure everybody knows you're mine." he said and squeezed his eyes shut "Fuck, I always mess this up. That's it, if you want to be mine again..." she smiled widely.

"Have I ever stopped being?" she asked. He smiled in relief and kissed her back.

Both of them had the biggest smile, making the kiss become sloppy and messy, but nothing mattered as long as they were on each other's arms again.

Before they could break the kiss, they felt someone else there, joining their embrace. They broke apart to face the third person, finding an extremely happy Louis.
"I can't believe we did it, guys." they laughed and hugged him back "Lord, I can't believe I will have to hear the endless amount of moan. My sleep will never be the same." Kath frowned.

"Why would you hear it?"
"I'm kind of sharing my dorm with him. It's not every night, though." Draco explained.
"Yeah, now it's not going to be at all." he said, rolling his eyes.

"Don't worry, you're welcome to join any time." she said, smiling at him. He choked and started coughing, and Draco widened his eyes at her.
"I'm just kidding, Merlin!" she laughed.

"Not funny. Not funny at all."
"Yeah, it was quite funny actually." she said, still laughing at their reactions.
"You got a bold one, Malfoy." Blaise said, slapping his shoulders.
"Yeah, I know it." he mumbled, wrapping his arms around her waist again.

"How about skipping lunch?" he whispered in her ear.
"Hell no." she grimaced and smugly grinned "I rather skipp the afternoon classes." he smiled back.
"Fuck yeah."


I know you were all expecting them to be together again, and I really hope it reached your expectations!

Thank you for all the votes and comments, I love you all! You guys are the absolute best!

Let me know if there's any typos so I can correct it as soon as possible!

See you soon!

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