Chapter 36.

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After a fun game of truth or dare, they all decided that it was enough and that they had to sleep, so they all went to their tents.

*after a few minutes*

Alia started hearing some weird noises, getting scared, she woke Varun up who got up a worried look on his face as he looked at his girlfriend.

"What is it? What happened?" He asked her, looking all around her face for any sort of injuries.

"I heard some really weird and scary sounds, I think they might be animals. Oh my God, what if they really are animals and they're coming to eat us alive!" Her eyes went wide in fear as she looked at Varun, teary eyed.

"Calm down babe. There's no such thing. This area has no savage animals, so don't be scared. It must me the sound of the wind and trees." He hugged her to his chest, before continuing, "Let's got out and ignite some fire and wake the others up too and sit around it."

She nodded at him in agreement before they put on their coats, got out and woke their friends up before the girls sat on chairs in a circle as the boys brought wood to have the fire ignited.

After they were done, they sat down too and started talking about random stuff until the fire was kind of going out, so Varun decided to add in some wood and by doing so he got his hand burnt at a moment where the fire ignited real strong.

"Ouch!" He shouted holding his burnt hand in his other one as he sat down away from the fire.

Alia and the others ran to him, looking at his hand too, all of them worried.

"Varun, you okay?" Alia asked him, kneeling down next to him.

"Dont worry, it just got burnt." He tried assuring her, while he himself wasn't so sure if his hand was really fine or not.

"We have to take him to the nearest hospital guys!" Katrina yelled, stressed and worried about her brother's well-being.

"But we don't know the way out of here." Shraddha told them, worried as well.

The organizers in the near tents heard the noises so they went out to see what was happening, and as soon as they saw and understood what was the matter they called an ambulance which came after 20 minutes considering they were in a forest area.

The ambulance took Varun, Alia went with him in the vehicle, while some of the organizers stayed with the other students and one went with Katrina and the guys in the Uber they had called after calling the ambulance.

At the hospital, they took Varun inside a room to check up on him and do the necessary while everyone else waited outside of the room.

After half an hour, a doctor came out and they all ran to him.

"How's he doc?" Alia asked him.

"We did the necessary and wrapped his hand in a band-aid after disinfecting it and spreading a pomade on it. He has to do this process every day for his hand to be cured and good in the upcoming weeks. But he should not use it for anything put any force on it." The doctor explained, looking between all of them.

"Okay thanks, doctor." Alia gave him a small smile.

"Okay guys, now we know that Varun is fine. So let's go downstairs to the cafeteria to eat something, it's been a long night." The organizer, that had accompanied them, said and Katrina and Sidharth and the others nodded before they all followed him, not realizing that they left Alia behind them.

"Doctor!" Alia called him as he was about to walk away.

"Yeah?!" He asked her.

"Can I go see Varun?" She asked.

"Of course, you can. He's asleep now, but there's no problem." He gave her a smile.

"Thank you. But please, if my friends ask about me, don't tell them I'm in his room. I wanna have some alone time with him." She begged him and he chuckled.

"Of course, don't worry." He assured her.

"Thank you." She said, à grateful smile on her face before she turned around and entered Varun's room.

Closing the door begin her, she approached Varun, who was sound asleep on the hospital bed, with his left hand wrapped in a white band-aid, just like the doctor said.

Sitting on the chair next to the bed, she held his find hand in between hers, her eyes tearing up.

"My baby... I hope you get well soon, I can't bare seeing you hurt in any sort of way. I wish I could go back in time and not do any of the things I did, waking you up or going out of our tent. I wish we hadn't even came to this stupid trip, then you wouldn't have gotten hurt." A tear slided down her cheek, another followed, and then she was full on crying as she held his hand up to her mouth and placed a gentle kiss on the back of it.

Feeling the gentle touch and the wetness on his skin, Varun started opening his eyes, squinting them as he adjusted to the light.

"Alia!" He called out, quite slowly and quietly, his voice hoarse from the sleep.

"Alia, you know I love you so much. But please don't cry. 8 can't see you cry like this. It makes me feel sad." He told her as he held his hand up to her face and wiped her tears away.

"How can I not cry?! You got hurt, and it wss all because of me." She looked at him, sadly.

"It's not because of you. Stop blaming yourself, I know that's what you've been doing since we came here, so please stop." He pulled her to him in a hug.

"I love you so much." She told him as they pulled away.

"I love you too." He smiled at her, before moving to the side of the bed and then he continued, "Come sleep next to me."

She did as told and they went into a deep sleep as soon as they snuggled closer into each other.

I know it's was kinda boring, but believe me the coming chaps are better.

Anyways, I hope you liked this one, if you did then make sure you like and comment.

Love you❤️

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