Chapter 45.

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"Varu-" Shah Rukh started but stopped as he took a sharp breath, putting his hand on his heart just as he fell unconscious on the floor.

Varun stood there for a second, not knowing what just happened. But when it clicked, the cup of water dropped to the floor, shattering, as he run to his dad, kneeling beside him.

"Dad!" Varun tried, "Dad, wake up, dad! Kat!" Varun yelled as loud as he could as his eyes started tearing up while he watched his dad laying unconscious in front of him.


*At the hospital*

Everyone was waiting outside of the room Shah Rukh was in with the docter checking on him except for John's parents who stayed back home with the babies so that John and Jacqueline could acoompany the others to the hospital.

Kajol was sitting on one of the chairs as she waited impatiently for someone to come out and tell her that her husband was fine, Aishwarya beside her, comforting her.

Katrina was snuggled against Sid, trying so hard to stop her tears from falling as Sid rubbed her back gently.

As for Varun, he was standing with his head leaned back against the wall as he was blaming himself internally with his eyes closed. Alia was beside him, rubbing his arm soothingly while her heart broke for him. Because even if he didn't say it, she knew he felt responsible for what happened to his father.

"If something happens to him, I'll never forgive myself." Varun whispered, finally opening his eyes and looking at his girlfriend, his eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"He'll be fine, Varun. And please don't say stuff like that, you didn't know this would happen." Alia tried reasoning with him before pulling him to her and wrapping her arms around his neck, as she played with the hair on the back of it while he wrapped his arms around her middle tightly, as if he was scared she'd fade away and she didn't mind the hug as long as it helped him or as, long as that's what he wanted.

Their friends were sitting around or either walking back and forth in the empty hallway while Jacqueline and John were sitting on two chairs beside each other, getting up to go call home to check on the babies from time to time since they've been at the hospital for more than 2 hours.

Just as they were growing more impatient, the door opened and out walked a doctor in his mid-forties and they all were in front of him, blocking his way, in a blink of an eye.

"Doc, how's my husband?" Kajol asked him, her voice trembling.

"He's fine now, he's past the danger phase." The doctor told them what he assumed they wanted - needed - to hear first and they all sighed in relief.

"Thank God.." Was heard all over.

"I need to ask though, has he been stressed lately for any reason?" The doctor asked the group and they all went silent, Varun feeling guilty all over again and Alia - who was still beside him - took his hand in hers to comfort him.

"Yeah, kinda. Why? What does that have to do with anything?" Abhishek replied since no one did.

"Well, stress causes an increase in blood pressure, inflammation, and even cholesterol levels, all of which increases the likelihood of a heart attack, and, subsequently, sudden cardiac arrest. But you guys were quick to bring him here so it wasn't really that bad. However, Mr Khan should start paying more attention to his health and taking care of himself more because if anything like this happens again, it may not be as simple as this time." The doctor explained and they all nodded.

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