Chapter 14.

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(In the plane...)

Every couple was chit-chatting about diff topics and after a while the plane landed in NY's airport. The boys and girls got out of the plane.

Skip airport stuff...

When all of them got out of the airport's door, they spotted a men in his 20ies wearing a suit and holding a board written on it "Jacqueline's family", so they went to him and told him they they're the ones. So they got in the car, it was a black limousine, the driver drove to the hotel where the family is staying, and when they arrived there they found SRKAJOL, Aishwarya&Abhishek, Jacqueline&John waiting for them in the front of the big door of the hotel, so they got out of the car and headed towards the family.

'Jackyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!' Varun and Katrina exclaimed at the same time as they started running towards they cousin and engulfed her in a tight hug.

'Babessssssss, how are you?! I missed you soooooooo sooo much!!' Jacqueline said as she hugged them back.

'Kids, why are you standing there?! You're not strangers, come here, come.' Kajol told the other 6 who were still standing a bit far from the family, then the 6 of them approached the others and they started greeting each other.

'Hi aunty, hi uncle.' The guys and girls greeted them with a smile on their faces.

'Hi, how are you doing??' SrKajol asked them.

'We're good.'

'That's my elder sister Aishwarya and that's her husband Abhishek.' Kajold introduced her sister and brother-in-law to Varun and Katrina's friend, 'and Aishwarya, Abhi, these are Varun and Katrina's best friends.' Kajol added.

'Hi.' The 6 friends greeted the other couple with a smile drawn on their faces.

'Hi kids, welcome here.' Aishwarya and Abhishek greeted them back.

'Okay guys, girls, this is Jacqueline, our cousin and you can call her Jacky.' Varun exclaimed.

'Hello Jacqueline.' They greeted her.

'You can call me Jacky, as Varun and Kat do, bcz from now on you'll become my friends if not more, just like Varun and Kat.' Jacqueline told them smiling.

'Thank you.' Alia said.

'VD and Kat know how to choose their friends actually, you seem to be very kind and sweet. So, aren't you gonna introduce yourselves to me?!' Jacqueline asked them sarcastically.

'I'm Alia.'

'I'm Kriti, her sister.'

'My name's Shraddha.'

'I'm Sid, her brother and they call me Sid.'

'My name's Tiger.'

'I'm Adi, my full name's Aditya but they call me Adi and I'm Tiger's brother.'

'Your names are really beautiful, and nice to meet you.' Jacqueline smiled at them.

'Same here.' Shraddha exclaimed.

'And guys, this is John, Jacky's fiance.' Katrina told them.

'Hi.' John greeted them.

'Hi.' They greeted back.

'Okay, so let's enter so that you'll have some rest and then you can have breakfast.' Jacqueline told them heading towards the door.

'Okay.' Everyone said in uni as they all made their ways towards the hotel's door.

'Jacky, can the guys and me share one room?!' Varun asked her as they were now standing in the lobby.

'Sure darling, do whatever you want, you can consider the hotel yours.' Jacqueline told them.

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