Chapter 42.

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Everyone settled down and took their seats on the couches in the living room, with Katrina and Alia sitting on each side of Varun.

"But Varun, you shouldn't be fighting with dad like this. At least meet him, sit down like normal people and talk about it." Katrina told her brother.

"Yeah, Varun. Kat is right. And if you want I can talk to him as well." Alia offered as she took a hold of her boyfriend's hand.

"No Alia, there's no need for you to talk to him. And neither is there for me. I'm not talking to him until he realizes his mistake and apologizes." Varun told them.

"Okay, but at least next time when you wanna go MIA, tell these two where you're going.." Sidharth pointed at Alia and Katrina, "Because they were literally freaking out and they made us freak out as well." He finished making everyone laugh.

"True that.." Shraddha nodded in agreement, chuckling.

"I should be freaking out, he's my brother and I love him." Katrina said hugging Varun from one side.

"Same, he's my boyfriend and I love him so much." Alia added hugging him from the other side.

"I love you both too, so much." Varun wrapped his arms around them.

"Babe, what do you think about staying with Kriti and I at our house. It's just the two of us there." Alia suggested, looking up at her boyfriend.

"No, it's fine. I'll stay with Jacky and John here. Plus there's no need for me to bother you guys." Varun told her.

"There's no bothering in the matter. Right Kriti?" Alia turned to look at her sister.

"Yeah, of course." Kriti nodded.

"But Tiger might get jealous because I'm staying in the same house as his girlfriend and he's not." Varun teased making everyone laugh, "But on a serious note though, I'm staying here at the moment. Plus I'll be visiting you every day, and you can come over too." Varun told her.

"Yeah Alia, you can come whenever you want. I told you before that this is your second home." Jacqueline smiled at her.

"Okay then, if you're staying here we should probably head out. We'll see you tomorrow I guess." Alia said.

"Yeah, we probably should. It's getting late." Katrina agreed.

"Good bye then." Shraddha said as she stood up, followed by everyone else.

"Good night." The guys wished Varun, Jacqueline and John.

"Listen, Kat. If my dad asks where I am, you don't know." Varun told his sister.

"But mom is so worried about you." Katrina told him.

"You can tell her if she asks about me, but I don't want dad to know anything." Varun explained.

"Okay. Bye for now." Katrina gave him a quick hug.

"Bye babe, take care." Alia did the same and then they were all out of the front door and into their cars.


In the morning, Varun had breakfast and then went over to Alia's place.

"Babe! Hey, how are you?" Alia greeted Varun as she opened the door for him.

"I'm fine, how are you?" Varun placed a kiss on her cheek before she let him in and closed the door behind them.

"I'm good." Alia replied as she led the way to the living room.

"You're alone? Is Kriti not home?" He asked her as they took a seat on the sofa.

"No, she's meeting up with Tiger." Alia replied.

"That's good. So... we're alone now?" Varun asked her mischievously.

"Yeah, why are you asking?" Alia asked him, not getting what he was, on about.

"So I can do this.." He replied and started leaning down to show her what he meant but as soon as his lips were about to touch hers, his phone stated ringing.

Swearing under his breath - making Alia chuckle - Varun pulled away from her and took his phone ready to decline the call but deciding against it when he saw it was his mom.

After talking to her for a few minutes, the call was finally over.

"Who was it?" Alia asked him.

"It was my mom. She want us to go over and see her and talk to her, and she assured me that dad isn't HOME." Varun explained.

"So let's go." Alia stood up and pulled him from his hand.

"Are you sure?!" He asked her.

"Yeah, I'm certain." Alia nodded.

"Okay then, let's go." Varun held her hand in his and they headed out of the house and into Varun's car before he drove off.


When they arrived, Katrina opened the door for them.

"Hey guys." Katrina greeted them as she gave each one of them a small hug.

"Hi." Varun and Alia replied in sync.

"Come in, mom is waiting for you in the living room." Katrina closed the door behind them and followed them into the room where her mom was hugging Varun tightly.

"How are you doing betta?" Kajol asked her son.

"I'm fine mom, how are you doing?" Varun placed a kiss on her forehead and then pulled away.

"How do expect me to be when you left the house." Kajol asked sarcastically.

"Don't say that mom, you know you can see me whenever you want." Varun told her.

"Hello Alia, how are you doing?" Kajol smiled at her as she pulled her into a hug too.

"I'm good aunty, thank you." Alia replied smiling before they all sat down.

Taking a hold of one her hands between hers, Kajol turned to look at Alia before speaking.

"Listen Alia, I really like you and I'm glad my son has chosen a girl as beautiful and mature as you to be his girlfriend. And maybe even his wife in the future. I'm so happy that you guys are thinking about a lifetime together and just be sure that I'm with you in any decision you make. I want you guys to settle down and live a happy life together, and I want to apologize as well on behalf of my husband on all the things he said about you. Also, I don't want you to blame yourself for the fight that Varun had with his father, it was bound to happen I guess. And even though you lost a family, you have another one. I'm here, and so is Kat. I love you like a daughter to me, if not more. And I'd be the happiest mom if you became my daughter-in-law." Kajol finished her speech making Alia's eyes water.

"Thank you so much, aunty. Even I love you." Alia told her, her voice cracking a bit.

"No more aunty, I want you to call me mom from now on." Kajol told her.

"Okay, mom." Alia let it out just a tear made its way down her cheek and another followed and so on.

"Shhh.. Don't cry, nothing is worth your tears dear." Kajol wiped Alia's tears away before turning to look at her children, "You guys stay here and watch some TV, I'm gonna go and bring you something to eat." She stood up and headed to the kitchen leaving Varun, Alia and Katrina alone in the living room.

A few seconds passed and the sound of the front doors closing was heard before Shah Rukh appeared in the entryway of the living room.

"What is this girl doing in my house?" Shah Rukh yelled startling everyone in the house as Varun, Alia and Katrina stood up from their seats and Kajol came running out of the kitchen.

... To be continued

I just wanna say something guys, I'm sorry that you don't see that much of the other couples but when I started writing this it was mainly a Varia story, and that's why. So I hope you don't have any problems with that.

Anyways, sorry for being late but hope you guys liked this chap.

Love y'all ❤️

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