Pete & Ae

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Perth has no idea who is he calling Ae. So he looked around him to see if anyone else is behind him. But no one seems to be like that. So Perth again looked Pete in confusion.

"Why are you looking me like that?" Pete asked him energetically.

"Err..... who are you called now? No one there seems to know you." He was confused.

"Hm correct. I am coming here now. How could they have known me?" He asked casually.

"Then who are you calling Ae?" He is even more confused.

"You." Pete said pointed at Perth.

"Me?" He also pointed at himself and asked in surprise.

"Hmm." So he only nodded cutely as he bit his lips into his mouth.

"Why are you calling me that? It's not my name." Perth asked. Because he didn't heard the name before.

"Can we talk along the way? How long can you stand here and talk?" Pete asked straightforwardly. So his speech leaves Perth embarrassed.

"Oh right. Then.... let's go."

"Hm." Pete nods his head and left with him. Suddenly a question arose in Perth's mind.

"Er, wait. I didn't say who I am. So how can you come along with me?"

"Haha, it's simple. I am new here and I don't know anyone here except P'Saint and P'Tommy. And no one knows me too. But you call me by my name. So that means you know me. If you know me, then it will only because of my brothers." He explains clearly.

"Hooo, you are very clever."

"Hm I know that." He said proudly.

You are not only smart. You have a little too much of pride. Perth thought to himself and took him to his car.

He did not speak to Pete on the way home from the airport. But he drives the car as he wondering how they have exactly the same image. Because they are not Twins, just half brothers.

"What are you thinking Ae?" Pete noticed that Perth was in a deep thought of something. So he asked.

While he driving the car thinking like that he suddenly heard the name Ae and he came to his senses.

"Hoi, why are you calling me with that name again?" He got little uncomfortable with that name. So he whined at the opposite.

"It's suits you." But Pete said simply.

"Huh? How did you come up with that name anyway?" he asked, keeping his attention on the path in front of him.

"You want to know?"

"Hmm........Yes, I guess."

"Okay. Two months ago I had a dream."


"Hm yes. Don't interrup me Ae."

"Hoo again?" Perth said and rolled his eyes at Pete.

"Hm, in that dream I met a person in my age. His name is Ae and he will be just like you. But I didn't see him before. Every day I had dream with him. Then We became friends and after some days he proposed me in my dream. But I didn't accept it. I said we can be friends. But after a while I have fallen in love with him too without me knowing. So I decided to surprise him with my proposal. But........"

"But what?"

"But, I haven't had a dream for two days. I don't know why. So I was very upset. But I could not believe my eyes when I saw you at the airport you know?I think it's destiny." Pete said in great happiness.

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