Thanksgiving | James Potter

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Requested by: OliviaBrew

Warnings: cursing

Special Details: Y/n is a red-head, American, Muggle-born in her 6th year; this is a Modern AU; I chose names for Y/n's siblings in order to make it easier for me; n/n means nickname (if you have one)

A/n I personally have only flown once, and never as an unaccompanied minor, so some of the details may not be accurate. I tried to do some research, but it really depends on the flight so... yeah


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The Marauders (plus Y/n) were sitting at the Gryffindor table eating their breakfast. Remus was reading a copy of the daily prophet, Sirius and James were deep into a conversation in which Y/n had no interest, and Peter was staring off into space. Y/n was looking expectantly up at the owls circling the Great Hall. She saw the owl she had given her parents and grinned.

The owl dropped a letter which landed gracefully on Y/n's plate. This caught James' attention.

"What's that?" He asked.

"It's from my parents." She smiled, opening the envelope. "They said Dumbledore says it's okay if I go home for Thanksgiving!"

"What the fuck is Thanksgiving?" Sirius asked and Y/n and Remus laughed.

"It's an american holiday on the last Thursday of November, I'm going to have an extra long Christmas break. But that's not even the best part." She explained.

"What- what is the best part?" James asked.

"They invited you too!" 

"They what?!" James asked, well he sort of yelled it and the whole hall went silent.

"They what?!" He repeated, this time whispering.

"They invited you too! Now we'll still have to do all of the work that we miss, but I figured we could-" She began to ramble.

"Your- your parents want to meet me?" He paled.

"Er, yeah." Y/n was confused.

"W-why?" James asked.

"What do you mean why? Why wouldn't they? James, are you feeling alright, you don't look well."

"What of they don't like me? What if they make us break up? Y/n what if-"

"Hey. Stop worrying, you'll be fine. They'll love you."


"Hey Y/n?" James said, walking down the steps from the boys' dormitories into the Gryffindor common room.

"Yeah?" She looked up from the muggle game she was playing with Lily.

"What's the weather like in America?" James asked, he was packing for their trip. Y/n stifled a laugh.

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