Dating Him Includes | Sirius Black

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why do i even bother anymore, you already know it's lowercase, and if you don't then you'll probably figure it out soon. also, i kind of went off on a few tangents, so bare with me

sirius calls you really any pet name you could think of

sometimes they're super bizarre and catch you off-guard

when this happens you're like "wtf did you just call me" and he pretends it didn't happen

you'll usually just call him sirius or padfoot

but when you're mad you'll call him by his full name and he'll freeze

you can be t e r r i f y i n g

but anyways

your parents (or guardians) love him and anytime he can't go to the potter's house (for whatever reason) they welcome him with open arms

they do make you sleep in separate rooms though

he introduces you to the potters instead of his parents and they love you

they tell you to keep him out of trouble

"i'll do my best, but usually i don't find out about the trouble they've caused until after they've caused it"

somehow, his parents find out about you though, and demand to meet you

you insist that it's alright even after his warnings

they don't like you to say the least

well for one thing, you're not pureblood

but also, they think you're too nice

but here's the thing, at first, they pretended to like you

so sirius was fine with leaving you in the room with his mother as he went to the bathroom

but when he came back, you we not fine

she had tried to attack you, and regulus had blocked it in the tiniest way possible so that she didn't know it was him (hopefully that makes sense)

but anyway, he's mad and y'all leave immediately

he takes you home and y'all hang out for a little and eventually he breaks down and starts crying and apologising

this kind of happens a lot, he'll be talking one second and crying the next

it only happens when you two are alone though

his favorite place to kiss you is the top of your head

this is mostly because y'all hug a lot

and when I say a lot, i mean a l o t

like, y'all kiss and stuff quite a bit, don't get me wrong

but hugging is on a whole other level

hugs with sirius help e v e r y t h i n g


if you're sad, sirius sometimes will turn into a dog just to make you smile/laugh

you're potions partners and he'll always ask you to put his hair up for him after he sees you do yours

that's it

thank you for coming to my ted talk

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