Preference: How you meet (Multifandom)

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A/n some of these will be in detail, others will just be brief descriptions. Enjoy!

Harry Potter Characters:

Fred Weasley:

-His POV-
George and I went out to eat at a muggle restaurant to celebrate the successful opening of our shop. We were talking, when a cute waitress came over and asked for our dessert orders, when she came back, she spilled George's ice cream all over him. I couldn't control myself, I burst out laughing. "I am so sorry! I'm new to all of this, I don't think it's really for me," the waitress quickly said. George went to the restroom to wash up and I talked to the waitress for a while.
"Its quite alright, it was very funny to watch." I said.
"Wait, I believe I recognize you from somewhere..."
"Are you sure? I don't-"
"Yes! Your a Weasley, aren't you?"
" Yes actually, I'm-"
"Fred, right?"
" Er, yeah! How could you tell? More handsome right?"
"Oh, er, no. Honestly, it was just a guess."

We talked awhile about who she was. I figured out her name is Y/n L/n, she went to Hogwarts, and loved watching our pranks.
"Anyway, no offence, but you really are a bad waitress."
" I know, but no other places would hire me. "
"I know one place that's hiring."
"Really? Where?"
" Weasley's Wizard Wheezies. "
"Alright, thank you Fred, it was nice meeting you."
" You too Y/n, I'll see you later. "

George Weasley:

-Your POV-
I was walking towards Professor Umbridge's office for detention. I heard a loud crash, but kept walking. When I got there, I  went inside, in her desk was a piece of paper, a quill, and my instructions:

Miss L/n,
You are here because you were precisely fifteen seconds late to my class. You are to write this phrase:
I will not be late to class.
I will be back shortly to dismiss you.
Have fun!

Professor Umbridge

I started writing when, not even halfway through the first line, I felt pain shoot through my hand. I looked down and the quill was engraving the words "I will not be late to class" into my hand!

I was writing for about a half hour when I heard the door swing open and slam shut. I heard two pairs of feet walk into the office. I wiped away a tear as Professor Umbridge held out her hand to see mine. As she was examining it, I looked up to see the infamous George Weasley giving me a sympathetic look. "You may leave Miss L/n," Umbridge said to me. I quickly left feeling George's eyes staring at me the whole time.

Draco Malfoy:

Trigger Warning!

-Your POV-
I was walking towards the Black Lake, fiddling with my green tie, when I heard someone yelling at his friend, "Zabini! Get back here with my books!" I turned around and saw Draco Malfoy chasing after Blaise Zabini. Blaise ran into me and I fell onto my knees. I felt a splitting pain shoot through my knee. Blaise kept running not looking back. How rude! I looked up and saw Draco holding a hand out for me. I grabbed it and he helped me up. I put all my weight on my uninjured leg and looked down at my, now bleeding, knee. Draco must have noticed because he looked at my and said, "Follow me," as helped me to the Hospital Wing. Once we got there, Madame Pomfrey rushed me to a bed. As Draco turned to leave, I said,
"Thanks Malfoy."
"Anytime L/n."
"Don't kill Zabini!"
" No promises... "

Oliver Wood:
(For this one pretend Oliver's last year is Harry's fourth, not third)

-Your POV-
I tied my shoes and looked at the clock. It read five o'clock. Perfect, I have just enough time to meet Viktor, go on a run with him, and get back before breakfast. I pulled on my jacket, and walked down to the Gryffindor common room, expecting to see my brother, when I saw Oliver Wood polishing his broom.
"If you polish it any more, it will make the wood start rotting," I said.
" And how would you know that Krum? "
"Viktor did it to mine before."
And with that, I left, not wanting to keep Viktor, my brother, waiting.

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