Dating Him Includes | Oliver Wood

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yep, you guessed it: all lowercase. also, this doesn't really go along with past preferences, like how you met, your house, etc, so you can just imagine whatever you want

honestly i have no idea what Oliver would call you

maybe babe or something but I really don't know

if you have an idea or your own nickname comment if you want

i just feel like he would use your name

and you would probably call him ollie or oliver idk

also i don't know why, but i feel like oliver would love to give piggyback rides

idk why

anyways, he gives you piggyback rides all the time and often pretends he's going to drop you but never does

he's a strong boi

even if you don't play quidditch, you're at every practice to support him (and at games you wear his extra jersey to support him)

or if you do but for another house, you try to sneak your way in, but he catches you every time and it's like a competition between you two

i feel like you would have a lot of that sort of thing: small competitions between the two of you

you would get random students you've never met before to judge so they aren't biased

because of this, you two become very popular and practically everyone ships you

and you just ignore the ones who don't

whenever he loses a quidditch team, the weasley twins always find you and let you know where he's sulking

and depending on whether or not you want to deal with his bs, you either head towards him to comfort him or steer clear of him to avoid him

most of your dates probably somehow include flying

once you two start dating, your parents (or guardians) come to at least one game a year to cheer him on (even if you're playing against him)

and his parents do the opposite, cheering for you even if you're against him

if you couldn't tell, his parents love you and yours love him

his favorite place to kiss you is probably your temple because it calms you

and that's all folks

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