Recorded | Draco Malfoy

168 10 0

Requested: no
Warnings: cursing
Special Details: You're a Slytherin


Y/n L/n and Draco Malfoy had been friends for a while. Recently, they had begun dating, well, sort of. The two had decided to keep their relationship a secret. This wasn't for any reason, they just wanted to see how long it would take for people to find out.

"What? That doesn't make any sense." Draco argued. The two were hanging out in the Slytherin common room and Y/n had been explaining to him how her muggle video camera worked.

"What doesn't make sense?" Y/n laughed.

"I dunno, all of it I guess."

Y/n pressed record, filming Draco and laughing at the faces he made at her.

"Y/n," Pansy Parkinson's voice came, she sounded angry.

"Yes?" Y/n asked, unaware of anything she had done to hurt or offend the girl.

"Can I talk to you? Alone?" She glared.

"Um, yeah sure." Y/n stood up, her camera still in hand. Y/n went through her recent encounters with Pansy and couldn't think of a single reason for Pansy to be mad at her. With all of this running through her mind, Y/n forgot to stop recording.

"What's up?" Y/n asked as Pansy closed the door of their otherwise vacant dorm room behind her.

Pansy said nothing and slapped Y/n across the face.

"What the hell, Pansy?" Y/n asked rubbing her cheek with her empty hand.

"Draco's mine." She snarled.

"I beg your pardon?" Y/n asked, confused.

"I said Draco's mine, so stop acting all flirty with him."

"I know what you said. What do you mean?" Y/n clarified.

"I mean he loves me, not you. Everything was going just fine until you showed up. It's all an act to make me jealous, just admit it."

"I don't know what you're on about, Pansy."

"Draco doesn't love you. You're just some dumb bitch he's using to make me jealous." Pansy said while Y/n simply laughed.

"I'll have you know, Parkinson, I have been Draco's girlfriend for a while now. He isn't using me. He does love me. Who's the dumb bitch now?" Y/n laughed at Pansy's shocked face.

Y/n rolled her eyes and left. She walked back downstairs to Draco where he was waiting for her.

"What did she want?" He asked.

"I'll show you." Y/n said, still mad at Pansy, whom she had originally thought to be a friend.

"What d'you mean?"

Y/n held up the camera, "you caught it on video?" Draco asked.

Y/n nodded and started the video.

When it got to the part where Pansy slapped her, Y/n looked over to Draco. He was watching the video and looked both furious and concerned. She had never seen him like this before.

Once the video had ended, Draco continued to stare at the camera, his jaw clenched.

"Draco?" Y/n asked, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Does it still hurt?" He asked, looking at her cheek. Truthfully, it still stung a little, but Y/n didn't want to seem weak, even in front of Draco.

"No." She said, but Draco gave her a look. "Okay, maybe it still stings a little," Y/n said, "but I'm fine."

Draco sighed and looked more at the girl's cheek. He stood up, probably to get something from his room. He took a few steps, so he was a good distance away from Y/n, but froze when he heard footsteps coming from the girls' stairs.

"Hi Y/n! Oh, Drakie, hi!" Pansy said, pretending nothing had happened upstairs. Y/n rolled her eyes and Draco smirked.

"Hey Pansy, do you have any idea how Y/n got slapped?" He asked, motioning to his girlfriend.

"No, that's terrible!" Pansy said, pretending not to know anything about it.

"Really? Because she told me that you hit her." Draco took a few steps towards Y/n, shielding her in case Pansy were to try anything.

"What? And you're going to believe her instead of me? Draco, we've been friends for ages. Why don't you trust me?"

"Well for starters, I don't think I've ever called you my friend." Draco scoffed. "And plus, I think I'd trust my girlfriend not to lie to me."

"Y-your what?" Pansy shrieked.

"His girlfriend, Parkinson." Y/n stood up, walking over to Draco and standing next to him. Draco didn't hesitate to shake an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to his taller frame.

"Prove it." Pansy glared at Y/n.

"Pardon?" Y/n laughed.

"Prove. It." She repeated.

Draco rolled his eyes at Pansy and turned to Y/n, crashing his lips onto hers. If his hand wasn't still around her waist, Y/n would have stumbled back in surprise, but Draco held her steady.

Pansy stormed out of the room but the couple didn't care. Y/n pulled away and rested her head on his shoulder, pulling him into a tight hug.

"I guess our secret's out now." Y/n said.

"Who cares? Now I get to show everyone you're taken." Draco said.

"You're taken too, Mr. Chick Magnet." Y/n said, causing Draco to smile.

"I love you." He mumbled into her shoulder.

"I love you too." Y/n smiled.

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