Scars | Sirius Black (part 1)

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A/n, The picture above has nothing to do with this One Shot, which is usually the case. If at any point, the picture does relate to the story, then I will tell you.

Requested: No

Warnings: Cursing and Possible Triggering

Your House: Gryffindor

(I wanted to put in a name instead of (Y/n), so... Yeah)


3rd Person POV

Although twins, Anne-Marie and James Potter weren't very similar. Well, for one thing, Lily Evans actually liked Anne-Marie. They were best friends! James, however, was despised by Lily.

Anne-Marie was well known by most of Hogwarts. To the teachers, she was one of the best students in the class; to the Gryffindors, she was an amazing quidditch player and friend. To the Hufflepuffs, she was a great friend to ask for advice; to the Ravenclaws, she was too smart for the other Gryffindors; and to the Slytherins, she was just friends with the wrong people.

Anne-Marie was a very attractive girl, the only problem was: James was a very over-protective brother.

It seemed that Anne-Marie was good at everything: quidditch, singing, dancing, acting, baking, and she never had any problems with making friends.

This is the story of how Sirius Orion Black finally got a date with Anne-Marie Brooke Potter.

Sirius' POV

"GET OUT AND NEVER COME BACK!" My mum yells at me. This happens often, but this time one thing is different: I will actually do it.

I start packing my things as fast as possible. I really limit myself, seeing as I will be going to Hogwarts in about a month and a half. James' house is probably the closest and the most likely to actually let me stay, so I'll probably go there. I look out my window. Of all the days in the summer, why does it have to be pouring rain today?


Anne-Marie's POV

We are having a game night tonight, and right now we are playing a Muggle game called Taboo. We are playing Girls vs. Boys, and right now the boys are in the lead. After I finish my turn putting us in the lead, James yells, "You cheated!"

"What do you mean, how did I cheat?!" I ask/yell.

"I don't know, you just... did."

We all laugh, including James. I remember playing games like this when James and I were little. We haven't done something like this in forever.

I hear a knock on the door, snapping me out of my thoughts. I walk over to open it.

"Sirius? What are you doing here?!"

I think James heard me because he yells, "What? Sirius is here?!"

"C-can I come in, please?" Sirius says with a shiver.

"Oh, yeah, sorry," I say, holding the door open so that he can come in.

He explained everything, and my mum and dad said that he could stay with us for as long as necessary. From then on, Sirius came to our house every holiday.


It is now seventh year, and the Slytherins have been giving me a hard time. I have no idea why, but they just have. It's kind of annoying, but I haven't let it get to me.

This Christmas, we decided to stay at Hogwarts because we know that we will be leaving Hogwarts soon, and want to spend as much time as possible here.

One Hogsmeade weekend, I was walking with Lily, who had decided to stay for the same reason the Marauders and I had. We had just come out of the Three Broomsticks and were heading towards Honeydukes, when, all of a sudden, we were hit with multiple snowballs. I turned around to see Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape, Rodolphus Lestrange, and Bellatrix, Narcissa, and Regulus Black. Lily and I ran, but they had cornered us. It wasn't a very fair fight, 6 to 2, but that is kind of what Slytherins are known for. They are usually seen in groups of 2 or more people, rarely ever alone.

Neither Lily nor I had thought to bring our wands with us to Hogsmeade, no matter how much the Marauders had said that we should.

Bellatrix pulls out a small, but very threatening, dagger.

"You. You Mudblood. You think you're better than we are? You're nothing but a bitch and a teachers' pet." She then proceeded to carve the word 'Mudblood' onto Lily's arm with her dagger. Lily's screams were muffled by a charm so that no one could hear her except me. Not even the Slytherins could hear her.

"Oh, and let's not forget about Potter here. I hear you and your Blood-Traitor family, took Blood-Traitor Black in."

I gulped. With every word, she took a step towards me.

"You shouldn't have done that. You should've let him die outside. He would've learned a lesson that way."

We were backed into an alleyway and had nowhere to go.

James' POV

Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and I were walking towards Zonko's for our New Years' prank when I heard some Slytherins threatening others. I stopped mid-sentence and stopped walking. Remus, Sirius, and Peter turned to look at me. I think they heard it too because the next thing I knew, we were running down the dark alleyway.

I saw Bellatrix Black dragging a dagger along Ann-Marie's neck. I also saw blood soaking through Lily's sweater. It was her favorite sweater. One Molly Prewett had made for her and had given to her before she left for the holiday. Both Ann-Marie and Lily had tears streaming down their faces, and although it looked like Ann-Marie was screaming, I couldn't hear anything.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

The six Slytherins jumped and turned around.

"Who, me? Oh, I'm just teaching your darling girlfriend and baby sister here a lesson."

That's it.

I, along with my friends, sprang into action. First "stupefy"-ing all of the Slytherins so that they couldn't get away, then going to help Ann-Marie and Lily. With Remus' help, we could finally hear them, and Sirius, who had grown very close to Ann-Marie over the past seven years, and probably the one whom I trust the most, went to catch Ann-Marie from fainting, and I went to catch Lily. We both carried them bridal style to the Hospital Wing, and Peter and Remus "Wingardium Leviosa"-ed the Slytherins behind us. We were running full speed and it took us a while to catch our breath in order to explain to Madame Pomfrey what had happened.

After everything had been explained, it was Pomfrey's turn to spring into action. She told us that the dagger that Bellatrix was using was poisoned so that the scars made by it will stay as scars and will never completely heal, meaning that both Lily and Anne-Marie will have those scars forever. She got them to the point where they are just waiting to wake up.

I was sitting in a chair, thinking about how to tell my parents about this, when I heard a voice. Sirius' voice, talking to me.

"Hey Prongs, can I talk to you outside?"

This caught me by surprise. "Um... Sure. Everything ok?"

"Yeah, I just have to ask you a question."

To be continued...

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