Scars | Sirius Black (pt. 2)

212 7 1

Requested: No

Warnings: Cursing and Possible Triggering

Your House: Gryffindor


"Yeah, I just have to ask you a question."

"Yeah, sure thing."

As they walked out of the Hospital Wing, Sirius started sweating. How was he going to put this into words, and put those words into sentences?

"Ask away," James said, snapping Sirius out of his thoughts.

"Oh, right... Er- I... What I mean to say is... Canipleasedateyoursistereventhoughimyourbestmate?"

"Come again?"

Sirius took a deep breath, prepared for the worst, "Can I please date your sister even though I'm your best mate?"

James looked shocked and Sirius' heart sunk. He has liked Anne-Marie for ages, but has never had the guts to ask her out or ask James about it for that matter. The only thing Sirius wants is to be with her, and a motorbike... he also wants a motorbike, but that's beside the point. If James says that he can't date Anne-Marie, he doesn't know what he'll do. If James says that he can date Anne-Marie however, well- honestly- either way he doesn't know what he'll do because he would still have to ask Anne-Marie out, which will be a problem.

Anyways, James was utterly shocked. He knew Sirius was close to Anne-Marie, but he had no idea that they were THAT close. He trusted Sirius as a friend, but his relationship record hasn't been the best... He doesn't know if he can trust Sirius with his sister. James thinks... for a very long time.

"Mate... say something... please?"

"I... Um... How about this: you have one chance, but if you EVER hurt her, our friendship is over."

"Yes! Thank you! You will not regret it!" Sirius said, jumping with joy... literally. James grabbed Sirius' arms in an attempt to calm him down.

"However, I can't guarantee the same answer from her."

"Yes, I understand that."

All of a sudden, the doors flew open. And Remus came running out.

"She's awake!"

Everyone bolted inside.

Madame Pomfrey was running back and forth between Anne-Marie's and Lily's beds. Lily hadn't yet woken up, but it was clear she would soon.

Anne-Marie sat up very slowly, rubbing her eyes.


Her voice was raspy and her eyes were still adjusting to the light. James ran over, Sirius at his heels.

"James, I was scared, they were following us, and they cornered us. We were outnumbered, we didn't have our wands with us. And then-" She started crying, "Bellatrix, she-she pulled out a knife and started carving 'mudblood' into Lily's arm. It was terrible! I heard her screaming, but they couldn't- they wouldn't hear her screams. Then she did this to me!" Anne-Marie said pointing to her neck, where it was written 'Blood-Traitor', "It hurt James, it was so scary, and I- I felt so helpless!" She was sobbing. James sat next to her on the bed and hugged her. She buried her head into his chest and cried. He felt terrible. His baby sister was tortured and he could do nothing about it. She has a permanent scar to remind her of what happened that day, and he couldn't do anything to change that.

Eventually, Anne-Marie stopped crying and wanted to try to walk around. Sirius volunteered to help her so that James could sit by Lily.  Sirius grabbed Anne-Marie's hands and pulled her off the bed. He put his arm around her so that she didn't fall, and she immediately felt safe. She leaned her head on his arm and they started to walk around the wing. Seeing as they were the only ones there, Anne-Marie started to talk to Sirius.

"Thank you, by the way."


"You saved me. I can't thank you enough. If there is ever anything that I can do for you, please don't hesitate to ask."

"Actually, I might have an idea right now."

"Oh really? And what would that be?"

"You go on a date with me?"

"I'd love to."

"Great! Have any ideas?"

Anne-Maria laughed.

"As long as it isn't Hogsmeade, then I'm alright with anything."


Sirius guided Anne-Marie to a picnic he had set up by the Black Lake. He wanted it to be a surprise, so he had told her to close her eyes.

"Are you ready?" Anne-Marie nodded her head, "Open."

Anne-Marie opened her eyes and gasped. There were all of her favorite foods on the blanket.

About fifteen minutes later, as Anne-Marie was laughing at a joke Sirius had made, she stopped. There was a look of fear in her eyes. She was staring at something behind Sirius. He turned around and found the same group of Slytherins who had attacked Anne-Marie at Hogsmeade about a week prior. He shifted so that he was sitting in front of Anne-Marie, blocking her from them. He grabbed his wand and got ready to use it.

"Does your boyfriend know about your little scar, blood-traitor?" Bellatrix asked, grinning wickedly.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. What's it to you?"

"Oh, nothing," Bellatrix said, turning around and walking away, the others following her.

Sirius turned around to face Anne-Marie as a tear ran down her cheek.

"Hey, it's ok, they're gone."

"They're right you know. About the scar, it's-"

"Beautiful, just like everything else about you," Sirius said, cutting her off. He kissed the scar, then peppered the rest of her face with kisses, ending with her lips.

"I love you. Scars and all."

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